The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

How would this be achieved in an 8x MONO voice sample playback machine? The filter is a mono filter, for instance - how could you turn it into stereo?[/quote]
you are right…i was stupid.
I thought it maybe possible if there is option to send stereo samples to master output.

I should just waif for OT2 i guess ^^

Great Idea !
I also wish that scenes and perf changes could be recorded without using overbridge.

How would this be achieved in an 8x MONO voice sample playback machine? The filter is a mono filter, for instance - how could you turn it into stereo?[/quote]
Easy, just play the L&R signals on two mono channels. =)

How would this be achieved in an 8x MONO voice sample playback machine? The filter is a mono filter, for instance - how could you turn it into stereo?[/quote]
you are right…i was stupid.
I thought it maybe possible if there is option to send stereo samples to master output.

I should just waif for OT2 i guess ^^

+1 :+1:

AMP ENV retrigger, please! :slight_smile: there is an empty slot in TRIG menu!! :wink:

+1 for 2nd LFO :slight_smile:

How would this be achieved in an 8x MONO voice sample playback machine? The filter is a mono filter, for instance - how could you turn it into stereo?[/quote]
you are right…i was stupid.
I thought it maybe possible if there is option to send stereo samples to master output.

I should just waif for OT2 i guess ^^

Nah man you’re not stupid! It’s just the limitation of the machine.

We talked about this recently on here, as if it’s a spectacularly good stereo sample I’ll sometimes print it from DAW as two monos and then play it on two tracks in the RYTM hard panned L and R.

It’s a lot of effort though!

How would this be achieved in an 8x MONO voice sample playback machine? The filter is a mono filter, for instance - how could you turn it into stereo?[/quote]
Easy, just play the L&R signals on two mono channels. =)[/quote]
I do do this and I assure it’s not “easy” :slight_smile:

If they created some kind of OS feature to link two tracks to each other, that’d be great, but u doubt it’ll happen.

I’m pretty sure the RYTM won’t split a stereo track into two mono tracks when importing though.

Ultimately, I don’t see Elektron creating a feature to help in this regard…

It would be great to have a mode where the analog circuit and sample can be triggered independently, but it would disable the filter and amp envelopes. That way you can have a single cycle wave doing a synth line with hi hats, or you could have an analog kick with a sampled kick playing different patterns at the same time.

I think this would be great since a number of the drum sounds I make don’t need the filter and amp envelopes. Removing those triggering, it seems feasible that you could have the sample and analog circuit play independently through the signal path without issue. It might possibly be a hassle to do when laying down the triggers, though. Maybe holding down the “synth” or “sample” button when entering a trigger?

The ability to attach track Mute/Unmutes to scenes so that when you enter a scene certain tracks would mute/unmute.

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Agree 100%. So frustrating. I feel like I would experiment a looot more with modulations if I could listen to the effect, live, without it disappearing every few seconds.

Agree. So many good ideas in here.
+1 midi-machines, cntrl-al
+1 to not having to hold down function to select track. so used to using ableton push, that this one throws me every time, hehe.

If this has been mentioned before apologies and consider this another +1 for the idea:


I have researched the very annoying import kit issues and it seems that in order to load a saved kit that is not in the current project one must:

  1. close the project
  2. open the project the kit you want is in
  3. copy the kit
  4. close the project
  5. open the project you want the kit in
  6. paste the desired kit into an empty slot
    7 . if the kit uses samples go find them and import them as well, manually reassigning each one

WTF? really? :frowning:

Think of an MPC: save program with samples, then - at any time and in any place one can use load program (with samples? is the accompanying prompt) and POOF - done.

Analog RYTM needs save / import kit with samples to and from anywhere - seems obvious and essential.


I was completely dumbfounded when I set up a bunch of mutes in a pattern then switched to another and they were still set the same. Creating a pattern, duplicating it and muting some parts, then switching between the 2 is such a standard workflow. I think the designers assumed you would use one of the kooky and complex methods available to achieve this but basic variants on one pattern is kinda the way things are (usually) done…


I was completely dumbfounded when I set up a bunch of mutes in a pattern then switched to another and they were still set the same. Creating a pattern, duplicating it and muting some parts, then switching between the 2 is such a standard workflow. I think the designers assumed you would use one of the kooky and complex methods available to achieve this but basic variants on one pattern is kinda the way things are (usually) done…[/quote]
Think you might have quoted the wrong post? In any case I like the current functionality of mutes. It’s better for performance, and means you can always trust your current mute status. Otherwise what if you switch to a pattern and don’t remember which tracks were muted? Nightmare, makes you have to pre- plan everything. The OT works like this and it drove me up the wall. You can achieve what you want just by removing trigs on the duplicate patterns.

One thing I do wish we had is an alternative way of muting tracks, via the trigs, like on the other elektron machines. This way you could have access to the mutes as well as perf/scene without having to page around.

Indeed I did quote the wrong post - maybe the UI for this forum was designed by the same people who do the drum machines? There is a basic rule in UI (its what I do for work) that rule is COPY - not to cheat or be lazy or unoriginal but because people learn conventions. If you use them people already know how to use your UI - no learning needed.

re: Mutes - I can see the thinking behind what they’ve done but I would counter that the tool is primarily a sequencer / synthesizer and that the mutes belong in that part of the design - mutes can be midi events. To take them out of that place and put them into a purely mixer based paradigm decreases functionality. The ideal solution perhaps would be to allow recording of mutes to patterns - thats what Akai does - they belong with their patterns and can happen dynamically within them.

This would be bad UI for me. There would be no way of telling whether mutes would be coming up in the next pattern or not. With the current system you can trust your configuration of mutes 100%. Automation on these machines is tied into parameters on the screen, and mutes aren’t on the screen so you’d be breaking continuity by adding this. Besides, there are already several ways to do what you’re asking for: the easy one is removing trigs, but you can also automate track volume via scenes and performances.

The one thing I do agree with is that this forum needs a makeover.

Hell can we just have a pool of free floating LFOs per pattern? Say 12-16 or wherever the DSP can actually handle easily? Then we can just assign them as we like maybe up to 3 or 4 per pad if we want?

That is a great idea.

Support for variable time signatures on a per track basis would be really cool.

Easier roll/flam and triplet support too.

Every time I see this thread, I think to myself that this thread is is the most depressing thread in this forum.