The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

Thanks for clearing that up, I was really wondering but never owned a MPC myself.

Ability to change the levels of the external inputs, currently it is too low.

^ +1 ā€¦ i thought there was a setting somewhere for this, found nothing :expressionless:

slightly dimmed Pads when using chromatic mode to distinguish between whole and semi tones

ā€¦sorry if itā€™s been already suggested

after touch to effect retrig rate.

Love the AR, butā€¦
Really wish there was one more button! A single button for Settings and quick movā€™t through projects, kits, patterns, without having to multi-click menu dive to change settings. Changing settings, patterns, kits, etc seems like it takes too long. Perhaps a function double clickā€¦?

sorry if this has been mentioned. k

Maybe one simple short click would bring you to the list of kits and one hold/long click or double click would bring you to the full actual menu.

+1 to these
In addition to these,

  • sample preview audition option in all sample loading scenarios
  • Additional envelope shapes or improved envelope editing somehow (IMO the envs are the weakest link of the system ATM) Layering the synthesis with the samples is not optimal due to poor env control
  • more reverb/delay algos (not a high priority issue tho)
  • new machines would always be welcome
  • the ability to relocate the pad sounds to diff configs (is this already possible by any chance?)
  • simple 2-4 sample round robin for the sample slots would be ace (or can you already use an LFO to swap a sample?)

Can we have a forward then backwards looping mode for samples?

should this happen automatically or just playing the sample either forw/backw? for the first option i believe thereā€™s nothing, the second one is simpler: set start pos higher than end pos and your sample will play backwardā€¦

Blinking pads in chromatic mode to indicate notes played.

Please and thank you.

+1 to showing up as a usb device

Please and thank you

I would love to have the Click Track in the headphones only.

should this happen automatically or just playing the sample either forw/backw? for the first option i believe thereā€™s nothing, the second one is simpler: set start pos higher than end pos and your sample will play backwardā€¦[/quote]
From start to end, end to start, start to end, etc
Not just start to end continuously.

Sample tagging in C6 and filtering on the AR would be great!

The ability to sequence external gear through midi.

analog rytm

its a good machine.
I am curious if AR will further expose more sonic possibilities.

  • how much of possible control of the underlying analog hardware have we seen?
  • will we see more sample mangling possibilities?

analog sounds
I own and have tried most of the existing drumsynths.
I really dig BD and CL, excellent. SN is not my fav, kinda lacks some punch/crispness compared to tempest or 808.
toms are ok.
there should be some improvement for CH/OH. they are nice, no question. but: highend is weak, not much versatility. check out airbase for crispy analog HHs.
same for CY/CB/RS sounds, they all lack some highend/crispness. of course filter, overdrive (and mixer eq the individual outs) helps. they are ok soundwise, Iā€™d just love to see more control than 1-2 params here, the underlying analog hardware is surely capable of much more variety. Iā€™d love to see more FM/AM circuits, as digital LFOs naturally suck at audio rate modulation.

sample machines
I understand AR integrates samples rather as help for analog drumsynthesis, add transients, etc.
It would be a huge surprise and joy if elektron has plans for machines that go the other way around: analog power feeds sample based machines.
think of a vocoder machine, a ringmod machineā€¦

sample fx
its not about destructive editing like normalize, trim. no need to have it in AR.
imho the AR deserves a way of programming granular/glitch type sounds.
more fx: OTs echo freeze delay, comb filter do very well for drum soundsā€¦
have per-sample fx: granular stuff timestretch, pitchshift, mad aliasing fx, ā€¦
I understand this is rather OT/MD domainā€¦

in reply to other suggestions

  • loop-one-bar -
    yeah, nice feature idea! taking it further, think of inner-loops for every track and for the master track.
    similar to the xoxbox sequencer (xoxbox even allows to reverse the direction), killer for live performing.
    in fact, an arbitrary start step and scenes being able to memorize all scale parameters (length, resolution,ā€¦) is all whats needed.
    would come handy if setting start & end step could be done on the fly using the trig keys.

  • more LFO/ENV -
    yes! not much of a complaint as we have trigs and parameter slide. I love OTs LFO designer. would not mind a secondary LFO for every track though! adds much more synthesis versatility. of course elektron LFOs can act as envelopes too, so there is no need for distinct ENVs.

some feature comments I liked.

Multi Map
Fantastic feature in the A4/AKeys and would be very useful on the AR.

AR as a USB drive device
For fast and easy copy/paste of samples and folders from a computer.

In PERF and SCENE mode : use the trig to mute/unmute the tracks !!!

ā€œrateā€ parameter for samples .
so we can play things in reverse just like on the OT .

-Add the ability to Jump to specific sequencer steps for exampleā€¦

OK I find the samples do not have enough parameters (the Machines).

Another LFO should be completely doable tooā€¦even in a 1.02
That is the one thing I find myself wanting everytime I get on itā€¦another LFO with more destinations a la a4,ak,ot so I can even modulate an LFO1 parameter with LFO2

Finer resolution for the AMP EG attack parameter. 0 is clicking. 1 is a proper head start, 2 is already sounding a bit weak to meā€¦ I guess it would be hard to do now it is already settled and people are creating soundsā€¦

I would actually like some kind of digital EQ on a track, maybe accessed from another AMP page, I donā€™t know, maybe just a simple locut/hicut option? What already sounds good for the delay effect and should not be too computationally expensive. But it probably would save from having to use an external mixer in many situations. It certainly would make the Rytm more attractive as a standalone live instrument! Mixers are just too heavy! (rant)

some less conventional, more experimental noise focused machine types would be a great addition as well.

the q. start function for retrig is needed baaaadly

also, as i posted elsewhere, it does not seem that you can sequence in chromatic notes in grid recording mode as outlined in the manual. this has been irking me a bit. am i missing something on this?

+1 to a C6 Update or the ability to have rytm as a disk, so that all directory management etc. can be done on a computer rather than typing in names and tagging stuff on rytmā€™s UI

and of course, more versatility in the hats

and an idea brought up in another thread, a dedicated bass machine, would be very cool, but might step on A4ā€™s toes a little too much

edit* im wrong

I canā€™t seem to figure out how to assign SWING amount to a SCENE or PERF so Iā€™ll assume that it doesnā€™t have that and request it.

Would be ace to have a tight beat going and assign different SWING amounts to different SCENES!