The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

+1 for p-lockable swing!


everything pattern data related could be p-lockable for Scene :slight_smile:
swing, Scale params, ā€¦

I fear it does not fit into elektrons concept. Scene and Perf locks are for Sound params only. variations of Pattern related params must be done in a new pattern. they had to rework the UI too (when assigning Scene/Perf locks left side of display gets used).

Iā€™d love to see it of course. It would make sense to allow Pattern related data for Scene only. For me, having more distinct use cases for Scene vs Perf would be welcome.

Best chances are they expose swing, Scale params etc. to midi control, I guess. So we could do these kinds of live improvisation with an external controller. maybe already possible via sysex hacks :slight_smile:

I know this has been mentioned, probably in this thread, but I donā€™t know how triplets or individual time signatures got over looked.

Retrigs are not adequate.
They donā€™t swing for one.
You have to set how long the retrig lasts which kinda limits where you can put the triplet.
You can really change the velocity on an individual hit.
They get messy when dealing with individual track lengths.
Not fun to program on the fly.

they are fantastic in a way u can do micro piano roll stuff with a plain step sequencer.
rather hard to control thats true. I dig sonic potion LXR where a step simply can get expanded and u have another 8 steps for editing.
or have a retrig editor with 16-64 steps, with saveable presets for custom rythm and velocity patterns.
would be absolute killer.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s already asked, but I would like the drive to appear on my computer via usb, just like the Octatrack.

Please use the USB !

We need to be able to save our samples and load them easily.

If I understand well, thereā€™s no way to export the samples from the AR, right ?

Not saying we should get rid of Retrigs. Definitely have their place. Especially once we can record them in realtime. ā€¦ . but they are not ideal for programming triplets. Especially when messing around with stuff during a live performance.

. ā€¦ . . . .especially.

Also, I would liek to see them open up the synth a bit more. I donā€™t need a Snare Machine. I need all the bits to make a snare if thatā€™s what I want to do or make whatever!
They might should have played with a Tempest beforehand.
If I could get the Elektron sequencer and ability to load samples with a Tempest sound design structure it would finally be the best drum machine!!

Also, my beats, for example, sound better on the octatctrack because of the reverbs and delayā€¦

Please give the AR the same delays & reverbs as the Octatrack. You already have the code!


Aftertouch to LFO Depth and Speed please :slight_smile:

Aftertouch modmatrix has 4 slots - canā€™t you use that for this already?

+1 to these
In addition to these,

  • sample preview audition option in all sample loading scenarios
  • Additional envelope shapes or improved envelope editing somehow (IMO the envs are the weakest link of the system ATM) Layering the synthesis with the samples is not optimal due to poor env control
  • more reverb/delay algos (not a high priority issue tho)
  • new machines would always be welcome
  • the ability to relocate the pad sounds to diff configs (is this already possible by any chance?)
  • simple 2-4 sample round robin for the sample slots would be ace (or can you already use an LFO to swap a sample?)[/quote]
  • 1 Sample preview really important to save a lot of time.

[li]Momentary selection of pad modes by holding the corresponding button, with the mode going back to the original mode when the button is released.
example: if Iā€™m in Performance mode and I want to do some mutes, let me hold the mute button, then mute a few tracks, and have it snap back to performance mode when I let go of the Mute button.[/li]
[li]Live recording of retrigs[/li]
[li]Quantized mode for retrigs (i.e. so the retrig will happen ā€œon the gridā€) so I donā€™t have to be so precise when I want to throw in a quick roll[/li]
[li]Pattern retrig pad mode (kind of like echo freeze delay on Octatrack) where the 12 pads could represent different pattern-wide retrig values for doing sort of beat repeat or stutter type FX[/li]

ā€¦having a play with retrigs and i was thinking if itā€™s possible (or if it is already then tell me how :slight_smile: ) to avoid that the currently selected track is switched to the one/s being retrigged, perhaps with an on/off option in the global menu
supposing youā€™re tweaking parameters on track A and want to retrig track B but keep tweaking parameters on track A, at the moment, once you hit the pad you want to retrigā€¦well, you know what happens :smiley: ā€¦

Yes, Aftertouch modulation has 4 slots, but LFO Depth and Speed are missing from the destination list.


Live recording of retrigs
Quantized mode for retrigs
in the manual so theyā€™ll release that quickly, maybe a hard bug to catchā€¦

Pattern retrig pad mode
interesting, mate. I like that. for example hold retrig and press pad in perf or scene mode for beat repeat stuff. asked for OTs echo freeze delay before, would really do well for a drum machine.
of course we can simply create a bunch of new patterns and jump change patterns to achieve something similar.

Iā€™d love A LOT to see ur feature in an even more open way:
non-Sound related locks for Scene/Performance

  • Swing
    example: swing in performance mode for subtle or drastic rhythm fx

  • Accent
    example: disable accent, gradually fade in.

  • Scale menu:
    just dreaming for a short moment :slight_smile:
    start & end steps. relative to the current step or absolute. allow rewind playback by start step >end step.
    so much wicked possibilities: beat repeat, stutter fx, edit a certain range in a longer track (bar 2-3), improvise fills, evolve patterns on the flyā€¦ for stutter stuff the time signature of the pattern has to be lockable too.
    would cause ā€œa fewā€ headaches for sure for the devs. probably impossible to keep the timing sane. I dont know, maybe the master track settings just shouldnt be touched and track structure wasting gets a sane resync after Master LEN :slight_smile:

oh God please no.

the OTā€™s delay is one of the most boring delays in existence. Why would one want to replace the AR delay with the OTā€™s is beyond my comprehension !! The OT delay is a simple repeater, with zero character. The A4 and AR delay go well into full feedback madness, I do NOT want to see them go.

The reverb is the same as the OTā€™s new reverb, itā€™s allright, and serves its purpose.

It seems like a second LFO per sound is unlikely. It would be really nice to have multiple destinations per LFO, though.

I think it would be cool if I when Iā€™m doing the FUNCTION/MUTE thing if I could let go and it would wait until the next bar or end of pattern to initiate the changes. This could give me time to move to another page to mess with stuff.

Iā€™d love this on ALL ELEKTRON BOXES!!!

I run out of hands too fast!


One of the things that were better on the other elektrons - there you could prepare your mute setting, leave mute mode, make a transition and then switch to mute mode again to perform the mute change. Something needs to be done here asap.

Why not having the trig buttons for muting in performance/scene mode?

One of the things that were better on the other elektrons - there you could prepare your mute setting, leave mute mode, make a transition and then switch to mute mode again to perform the mute change. Something needs to be done here asap.

Why not having the trig buttons for muting in performance/scene mode?[/quote]
Wait. . . are you saying this exists on my other Elektron boxes?