The beer thread

Stoked to have just found one of these. I’ve been looking for them off and on for 20 years. 2021 Sam Adams Utopias. I’m saving it for Christmas so I can’t share my impressions until then.


Did someone ever tried the Moog filtered ale?


oops, this is mead. I’m leaving it here anyway.


There are times when lower abv is desirable (not in the form of Tesco value lager mind).
I’m having one of those moments now. This is a good option.

Also on the lookout for decent alcohol free options for certain occasions. Most taste bloody awful. So far, BrewDog’s Punk AF and Lucky Saint lager are the best I’ve tried. Keen to hear any recommendations if anyone has any.


I was at a beer festival just before the start of the apocalypse and there was a guy selling mead. We took the piss out of him quite a lot, especially when he described his mead as being “better than all that shitty mass-produced mead”.

For about an hour, every time he sold some mead to someone, we blared out a drunken acapella version of the Game of Thrones theme. By which I mean we did one drunken acapella version of the Game of Thrones theme.

Fucking mead.


Ha ha…as does my wife.
Maybe it’s an archetypical wife thing like “Soccer Moms”, now read “Stella Wives”

Real into sours lately!

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Alas, this seems to be a truism, with AF wines as well. I have given up, after much searching. I’ll put bitters into soda, or just drink ice water. Every decade or so I’ll try again.

This is surprisingly good in my opinion, but is probabably hard to come by overseas.



Beer from my hometown (Hamburg/St.Pauli)…not the best beer, but cheap and ok-taste for the poor student I was :smile:

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Lots of Polish indy-brews to choose from here in Warsaw (with relatively few from overseas).

When I’m in the mood, I normally pick a few to try after the Saturday shop.

One of the nicest I tried (cheesy name, but delicious flavours)

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St. Archer pale ale was my go-to for a while. Ever since they were acquired by MillerCoors (I think), they haven’t really made anything that exciting. In a sea of options, they’re simply one of them. Oddly, the brewery is only about 20 minutes from my house, but I rarely see much of it in stores. I haven’t been to a proper bar since the pandemic, so I don’t know whether it’s on tap anywhere.

Here’s one of my favorites lately. Belching Beaver (in collaboration with the Deftones) Phantom Bride.


Also recently started going to another brewery near me – Booze Brothers. Everything they make is good, so far.

Toronado! I hope the one up there has better service than its counterpart down in San Diego. Great spot for taps, but the service was always so garbage, I stopped going. Pliny though – mmmm, that’s a good one :slight_smile:

This thread is getting me pumped up for lunch today (I have the day off).

I’ve seen enough complaints on review sites about the service, which probably degrades rapidly when it’s crowded (plus they don’t suffer fools gladly, I’m sure) but I nearly always went at off-hours (or, in the case of Burger Tuesday, early enough before lunch), and eventually got first-level regular status, in that the day bartender would have my pint in progress by the time I reached the bar. (If I wanted to try something else, I’d have to stop him quickly.)

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It has been 8 years since I had a pint of Pliny the Elder. It’s a modern tragedy


One of my favorites
Small brewery in Heusden(Gent , Belgium)

And yes you see pink elephants…
After two or tree
And yes you get a delirium if you drink more
:smiley: :smiley:


and another one of my favorites …

And you have to be carefully at the end with the glass … or you will loose some precious beer…
And you will have a wet pants, mostly on a place you dont want to :wink:


1st time I had that beer was in Brussels. My brother and I sat in a pub having beers with a bunch of WW2 vets at 10AM. It was a cool time and I seek out a Kwak from time to time ever since.

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