The Behringer era

Behringer threads are amazing.

For the sake of brevity (and levity) and without any personal shit attached I’d like to summarize this and every Behringer thread.

This is going to be amazing

No it’s not, it’ll be shit

“How dare you, Behringer are amazing and all their synths are the best”

"I disagree, everything Behringer have made and will ever make is shit"

"They’re better than Elektron"

"They’re worse than everything, listen to how shit their new thing is"

Even though it sounds shit in their demo and in real life it still sounds amazing if you dial it in right

"Cheap Chinese crap"

Better QC than a rolls Royce mate

Uli is mean


I like digital now


@Fin25 It’s sad really. Everyone has the right to not like a certain company and not willing to buy their products. all power to them!

What I don’t understand is, if they hate Behringer so much. Just put all Behringer threads on mute and move on. Let people that “are” interested in this gear in peace.

Like I already said yesterday. This is one of the reasons I avoid forums like Gearslutz like the plague due to all the toxicity.

Don’t let this forum end up the same please! Thanks!

I think we all have to do our best just to laugh at ourselves a bit.

It’s only a few synths.

That’s not the case at all. We’re just completely exhausted with the 24-7 baby sitting of these B threads. Responding to constant flags, having to constantly move posts that went outside the guidelines.

When Elektron asked us to moderate this forum, that’s not really what we had in mind.
We have lives that we’d like to live outside the forum, but also be able to maintain the peace here and let Elektronauts be a place where people interested in Elektron things can still feel welcome to come to, and not have this toxic atmosphere in their minds when logging in.
Unlisting this thread has little to do with the Kirn fiasco, and racism, and mostly to do with the cumulative work it takes to keep these threads active.
Simply put, it isn’t worth it.

We’ve missed great threads (that were fortunately, later bumped) that were started by very helpful members of the community. The noise is outweighing the signal, in a lot of respects. This is our way of directing traffic.

Sorry you disagree with our decision, but try seeing it from our perspective.



Let’s be honest - there’s no ‘magic’ in Behringers analog gear - it’s garbage & we all know it. It’s cheap - that’s its selling point, period.

Even their stuff that’s not a stupid knock off, cashing in on the cachet of someone else’s design, isn’t great compared to a proper manufacturer. I remember trying a Deepmind when they first came out - one of the worst sounding analogue polysynths I’ve ever played.
I’d you’re happy buying Behringer & using it then good luck to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sonic state have a chat about the Kirn story, Ty Unwin ain’t no Behringer fan :rofl:

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Dude I get that you HATE Behringer but it really seems that your bias is affecting your ears, I’ve listened to every sound pack release from Geosynths for the Deepmind and it’s a beautiful sounding synth regardless of how you feel about the company.


no, it’s not. it’s worse than the Analog 4 / keys… & that’s saying something.

And I don’t ‘hate’ Behringer - they’re just an equipment manufacturer. Just not a very good one, with very questionable ethical practices.

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But it is, though. You’ve sidelined and de-emphasised ethical arguments over Behringer’s behaviour in order to create more space for good-natured conversations about their products. I can entirely understand why you might want to do that, even though I disagree strongly with it, but to do that and then deny that’s what you’re doing isn’t really credible.

And as I’ve said before, if the level of anger and frustration in this thread was being created by less self-evidently problematic issues (disagreements over quality control, circuit designs, even employment practices) then I’d have a great deal more sympathy for your position. I appreciate the work that goes into moderating communities like this, and having to deal with ongoing toxicity must be extraordinarily draining.

But, at the risk of sounding like a broken record: Behringer have engaged in a targeted harassment campaign aimed at bullying, humiliating and delegitimising a journalist they don’t like, using deeply racist imagery, for which they’ve failed to apologise properly (or at all, assuming that half-hearted statement is still deleted).

I just find it bizarre that something so unequivocally toxic can be shunted to one side: that the community here will look at a company that peddles racist tropes (even if inadvertently) and tries to harass its critics into silence, and decide that the more important thing to discuss is a firmware update.

I guess that’s grounded in my belief that the political and ethical questions behind all of this stuff are inseparable, that you can’t in good faith go “oh well, I guess that stuff sucks, but let’s just focus on something else”. I just fundamentally believe that that’s a really shortsighted and ultimately quite damaging way to think about the world.

But yeah, like I say, this is your place. You do what you want.


oh boy

OH MAN :sweat_smile:

I’d bought a K2 when it was first released and since the KIRN saga unfolded I haven’t been able to look at the thing without my skin crawling. So I sold it. Sure I still gave my money to them but at least I don’t have to look at it every time I feel inspired to make music.


I don’t have any such symptoms. My Deepmind still sounds epic as does my RD-8.

It’s not about the sound.
The most of us can’t tell the difference between analog and digital just by listening.
It’s about taking responsibility in ethical and political manner.
Now, more than ever!


I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you are taking this way too seriously… it’s just synths man. My suggestion is to chill and enjoy all the gear options we have these days. I know I do.

Nope, you don’t.

yeah “chill and enjoy” your stupid cheap gear!

Why not? I can’t afford expensive gear so I enjoy what I can get - and these days I have lots of awesome options thanks to Behringer.

If you can afford boutique stuff, good for you, but you are not in a position to criticize others.

I really can’t hear this stupid “I can’t afford” argument anymore.
Let’s leave it there.