The Behringer era

Bith Lord :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Stay with the Rebel Forces and swing your Phaser-Swords against the Cheapo Imperium and their clone army.

May the Sinewaves be with you…


Time to play em at their own game huh, file trademarks on their product names :wink:

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This company is becoming a joke more and more every day. Not that they are too lazy for own designs, they even too lazy for giving own names. :pensive:


It’s not a synth mission. Its a money mission. And that’s totally fine (if you’re into the whole capitalism thing) Just call it what it is. I wonder what other electronic devices they will clone, I mean why stop at synths? Making money by copying other peoples products doesnt need to be limited to synth gear now does it? :roll_eyes:

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Like I said… I want Beebok sneakers, Bucci sweater, Bartier sunglasses, Bevis '303 jeans etc.

I swear i’ ll never talk bad about your clones…

We love you Uli (not)

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Haha ! I mean, why not even do the world a favour and clone something useful, like water. We could really use some H20 in Australia…

Or that electric car that no one can afford y’know… Besla…

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Nestlé could join forces then with Uli for his mission.


I wish he could clone me so that I don’t have to go to work anymore. More time for synths.

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Wouldn’t that be fun? Sadly, he is a Bith Lord and is only interested in his own bizarre selfish dream gains. Creating the first Balactic Bempire!

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We should stop here. If Uli is lurking, he could come to the conclusion that a BAR WARS movie would might get him a few extra coins.

I don’t want to be responsible for that crap.


I think the whole Behringer tribute thing is not going to last, ultimately I think people will get rather bored of it soon enough.

I’m glad that there are plenty of other companies making new instruments, innovating and pushing forward, let Uli chase his ghosts, once he has cloned everything all he will have to show for it is a ghost town.


One thing that I have found quite puzzling in Behringers approach to these clones is the need to copy the trade dress and now the names, for one thing it is more likely to attract legal action, and for another it isn’t going to fool anyone into thinking they are getting an original.

They even copy things which would by modern standards be considered design flaws, like limited banks and the lack of modern midi implementation.

But then they don’t go the whole hog and make exact duplicates in either look or sound, so it begs the questions, why and what is the point?

I mean detractors are going to see them as knock-offs anyway, and Behringer fans would probably prefer that they more closely resembled the originals possibly?



Just checked, Deepmind 12 has no trademark. Cost is 550AUD to trademark it . Anyone wanna chip in? :rofl:


The ultimate troll, hahaha. Poetic Justice perhaps

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Well for just a few grand australian, I could trademark deep mind 12, neutron, td3, and crave, then sell them back to him for… oh I dunno… an unreasonable profit?

Making money out trademarking other peoples products? (Lifts little finger to pouting lips…)

Yeah trademarks I think can be a bit weird when they have history like this… like I wouldn’t be surprised if korg could still make a new monopoly and could sue for behringer infringing on there brand. Behringer in the past has done stuff knowing full well that they will get sued, maybe an initial release with the real name is enough of a publicity stunt or maybe they can use them… wouldn’t be surprised to see some lawsuits. As for in production stuff you could maybe buy the trademark for deepmind 12 but you probably couldn’t actually use it.

There are plenty of cheaper electric cars in the market in addition to Tesla. You could call them ”Behringers” of the car world compared to Tesla which is the ”original innovator”. Yet you see no-one complain about those.

Tesla open sourced some their designs and said specifically they wouldn’t patent troll. its not a good example because Tesla benefits in the long run if more manufactures build electric cars