The Behringer era

the cobalt and lithium that goes into every smartphone is mined under horrendous conditions as well, far worse than what you’ll see in a Chinese tech factory.

at the risk of derailing the thread further: these problems won’t be solved by boycotting one tech manufacturer or another, or by buying less stuff, or getting a reusable straw in a restaurant. we need to find a way to restructure society on a large scale and move away from this system that requires endless growth and exploitation to stay afloat.


Its not really just waste though. Its about minerals and shit used to produce them, labour and transportation and so on.
Now I know nothing about your studio but I see alot of people that have way more synths and gear than they ever need. And this is indeed a forum for synth nerds and alot discussion is just about acquiring more shit. That is of course ok im just saying that its probably more ethicly stupid than buying just a couple of behringers and stickning to them.
Basically my agrument is: dont hate on some low income earner that buys 1 behringer if you have 100synths at home. :v:

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Namely capitalism🤷‍♂️

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this is exactly how I see it. point on mate :+1:

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Maby not solved but buying less stuff is contributing less to the problem. Same thing with chosing techproducers that are better than others.

When it comes to phones there is a manufactorer called Fairphone. When will we see a Fairsynth😁

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I’d be curious to find out how repairable a Behringer TD-3 would be. It’s likely all SMD components, rather than through-hole and probably more cost effective to replace than repair. Essentially, it’s built to be disposable.


When they copy current products it’s not snobbish it’s taking a stance in support of actual creators.

And against unprincipled business practices in general.

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How about the MS-20, which Korg have been making in Mini form at an entirely reasonable price for many years?

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When you use the imperative “Don’t be” and the general “you” its difficult to not take it as directed at individuals.

My issue is with current models ie Mother 32, TipTop Mantis, MS20 and potentially Maths.

As far as I know the KARP was in talks for a long time, not reactionary.

And again general lame business behavior.


MS-20 is from year 1978, which means its patents are expired. That’s the way the law works - when patents expire, the technology is available for competitors. You can’t keep milking the same cow with exclusivity forever.

The law is made that way so prices are not kept too high artificially for too long. It’s a good thing for the consumer and also forces companies to innovate more.

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Mother32 is based completely on decades old circuit designs from Bob Moog -> The technology is free to use (and there is no direct clone of it either as far as I know).

TipTop Mantis is a box. -> You can’t patent boxes. Behringer eurorack case is not even identical so I am not sure what the issue is here.

MS20 is over 40 years old. -> The technology is free to use.

Maths is based on Serge circuit designs from early 1970s. -> The technology is free to use (and there is no Maths clone even out as far as I know. I think Behringer is probably going to release direct Serge clone at some point rather than Maths clone however).


You and I have been here already: ofc people are free to use components any way they want. The issue is that Behringer used them the exact same way their original creators did, down to colors, fonts ect.

There’s a reason others like Elektron and Make Noise aren’t getting dragged for their products. Originality, principles, integrity.


meh :expressionless:

A lot of the negativity here sounds more like fear of annihilation than anything. When your unique (esoteric, expensive, exclusive) hobby (and a component of self-identity) becomes newly threatened by cheap and widely available tools, it’s not particularly uncommon to react with outrage from a perceived moral/ethical high ground.


A lot of presumptions and ad hominems here.


You’ll forgive me then for not addressing it.

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It was a generalization, like much of this thread. No offense intended, none taken.

Yeah I think there is a degree of that, I think some fears are fair though… there could be many positives and negatives to behringer getting involved in these spaces.