The Behringer era

This is pathetic, funny and sad.

The new Behringer eurorack stand (From this video:

Here is the the original moog one:

Not to mention this:

Seriously, there are no designers at this company?

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I think that is a little bit too easy. Go to whatever cat dealer you want and compare the “same” model of different car-companies. You can also ask, if they don’t have their own designers. Look at knifes, Scissors, well, look in front of you on your notebook, on your keyboard, look at your mouse. All the same (just a tiny differences here and there), because the purpose is the same. Looking at such a Stand and thinking, what I would draw, if you come to me and describe what your requirements for that stand are, I would come up with a similar design, because it makes sense. I would, like Behringer did, don’t add as much holes, as Moog did, so I would draw something more as Behringer did, as what Moog did.
Take a look at my Digi-Stand. I saw those commercial stands, liked the idea, closed the browser, opened CAD and draw one myself. You might bet: It isn’t that far away from the original design. Maybe some angles and some length differ a little bit (as they do between the 2 stands) and I handles the connection alittle different (because of different material), but over all, its close. Because the usecase is the same.


The fact they clone, as said, “boxes” testifies to the extent of their lack of vision and laziness.

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The problem is that these are too close to each other design-wise. A Suzuki Swift doesn’t look like a VW Polo or a Renault Clio, although all of them are subcompact cars, in fact all of them are easily distinguishable.

Those 2 stands look the same either. Holes are different, angles are different. They have indeed a basic shape. Like scissors look quite similar, cars all have wheels, doors, motor (mostly in the front). Wheels even can sometimes be interchanged, mechanics of stearing, power transfer looks the same, gears arn’t that different too… I know you don’t want to, but I am sure, you understand what I try to say :wink:

Btw: I don’t want to attest Behringer high value design and inventionvise. We all agree, that their business model is REBUILDING stuff, that people want and selling it cheap.
But it is not, that they just scanned other stands and just milled some theirself :stuck_out_tongue:

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I still think Behringer have over estimated the demand.

Time will tell.

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I have theory that I came up with while chopping vegetables in the kitchen. I believe that this phase of Behringer releasing all these synths will be over soon for two reasons: once they cloned all synth classics there will be nothing left to clone. Also it is clearly a Uli-project. Old man saving his legacy or some sort of this. I expect another year or two. The monosynths and drummachines are on the market now, polysynths will follow. At some point this chapter will be closed.

I see it a bit different. I think they will be releasing all the clones as you say, going over poly’s to whatever and so on. after that, they can pick pieces of each synth and start putting together own designs, using the best of whatever synth they have already the pcb design of. probably endless possibilities. I trhink the behringer era is going to last a long time.

maybe by the time all their current clones hit the market more synths will be considered vintage and clone territory.

ad infinitum :cowboy_hat_face:

oh boy, lazy are the ones that don’t make any clones.
the 3-tier shows clearly how great this concept is, like decades of synths in one or two racks with capabilities of never ever heard sounds in the history of synthesizers.

they will come up with more own designs like neutron/crave but they start with the standards of synthesis and grow from there, which makes it really powerful and realistic to have that area covered.

with this amount of knockoffs i realize what sound i need/want.

KORG MS20 FS for 1299,- i’d say why? its an old design, lame mono synth and no ability to polychain or something…Behringer is very intuitive to bring out a better synth at a much better price point

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I think it’s fair to say that there is a significant degree of confirmation bias on both sides of the Behringer argument (myself included).

All corporations are inherently sociopathic. Some of them are psychopaths too. Whatever business leaders claim to the contrary, they are obliged to generate maximum profit for their shareholders. If the market demands cheap knockoffs, someone will make them.

You, the consumer are just a means to an end.

If you are lucky enough to own a synth, whether it cost you 300 or 3000 (in whatever currency) then you are in a privileged position compared to the majority of inhabitants of this planet.

Take responsibility for your gear choices. Take a screen break. Make amazing music.


I mean you can say it’s pathetic, and I’m sure uli will be crying all the way to the bank, but what shape would you propose they make it exactly?

I would not call Elektron sociopathic.

Right. So we don’t demand, expect or encourage them. Buy a Volca.


Neither would I. Please excuse my sweeping generalisation. Elektron definitely strike me as being one of the exceptions. I could name others but they’re mostly boutique and I’d just be accused of being an elitist. I was thinking more along the lines of companies of a similar scale as Behringer. I don’t believe you get that big without having sociopathic traits.

I couldn’t agree more. I get the nostalgia factor but I don’t really get the justification for buying clones when there are plenty of modern alternatives at similar price points. Horses for courses!

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everything is cheaply and unfairly resourced from Africa ( the continent we ignore:) and made in China. Then we won’t have anything to buy.

Behringer is the dollar store of music manufacturers. you get a lot for your money and it’s pretty much the same as the big name brand, but it still leaves you with that cheap feeling inside.



I have several Behringer synths and don’t have a cheap feeling inside. Feels good to have good quality synths and money for other things too.


A bad (but not terrible) analogy: plenty of people drink Coors/Budweiser/PBR/etc, yet the craft beer industry in the US persists. Apparently a lot of people want cheap “get what you expect” beer. Apparently enough people want craft beer too. These realities can (and do) coexist. Why should only one exist?


Soon I think (hope) well see a fair mineral trade network. We did it for beans (cause people demanded it)

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True, I like a craft beer and I also like a Bud/Coors etc too, different beer for different occasions, but I’m never drinking a Coors thinking it is a craft beer, I enjoy it for what it is. I think some Behringer customers delude themselves into believing they are getting more for their money, not to say don’t enjoy them for what they are, a cheap synth - with all that goes with that, same for Volcas etc, although at least Volcas have midi CC.