The Behringer era

Berhinger. The Champagne of Synths.


I don’t think it’s a delusion. Behringer synths really are cheap for what you get. You get more for your money from Behringer than most other brands.

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A monologue packs more features for less money than any behringer mono.

Battery powered, 2 oscs, 4 lanes of motion sequencing, metal top and wood back, microtuning support. 244 eur.

Behringer asks 299 for a single osc mono with a much more primitive sequencer (ms1). Wheres the value? Not even battery powered like the original.

Edit: oh and of course it does have midi CC and patch memory.


Have you compared how MS-1 sounds compared to Monologue?

They both sound like square/saw/tri waves being run through a low pass filter. Subtle differences in timbre Im guessing.

Nothing magical about either. But of course behringer sells synths based on this dumb myth that the older and more analogue, the better the synth is.


MS-1 sounds like SH-101, not sure if you are familiar. It’s a good sound.

Its a fun little synth yeah. The monologue sounds great too. Heard some of aphex twins patches for it? Pretty sure it would also be getting cloned now had it been released in the early 80s. Just imagine what those classic artists wouldve done if they had had a monologue back then :smile:

Its exactly what @darenager is saying. You think youre getting more than what youre paying for. The monologue is simply much better value than any behringer mono synth.


the monologue is a concept synth but basically a monotribe on steroids.

somebody has to make clear that the modular or semi-modular scene is a different chapter of synthesis compared to a non modular desktop synth.

and trust me it sounds terribly thin and non organic, i’ve sold a few of them in a local shop nearby.

same goes for the MS 20 Fullsize, its a mini ms20 pcb with bigger ins/outs for more then double-price.
with Behringer there’s nothing “cheap” about the manufacturing and sound. (Synth Sector)

there’s a difference between “i know that synth” and “i’ve read some unnecessary comments about a company but never touched their potential”


for reference…


I get it ha ha

Whenever I try to explain Eurorack to non-synth people I always use craft beer as the analogy

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I think behringers prices are definitely fair but yeah I think they do have a higher perceived value than they actually have… they aren’t the mind blowing deals some make them out to be. A lack of modern features really holds them back and personally I have no space in my studio for more than 1 or 2 synths with out full midi CC support or patch saving. There are plenty of people who don’t need that in there work flow though but I think full midi CC and patch saving is probably worth the price of bump of something like the SE-02.

I never said anything about sounding better. I said both sounded great, actually. I was talking about value, which is obviously higher for the monologue, unless you’re specifically attracted to the sound of the MS-1.

My personal opinion is that the monologue is no worse sounding than any of those classic synths. Why would it be? Do you really think they sprinkled some magic fairy dust on the SH-101 back in the 80s?

Honestly this whole thing feels like the discussion about digital vs analog, but now its new analog vs new analog cloning old analog. In my opinion a lot of it is placebo.

And there it is :laughing:
Im pretty sure you could make a bingo out of this.

I agree! I’m not saying Behringers are bad value. Not at all. They’re competitive with other brands like Korg, Novation and Arturia. At times a bit more expensive.

Im simply sick of people pretend like Uli is Robin Hood. Finally, us mortals can own a synthesizer that vaguely resembles something made 40 years ago. Now I can play a saw wave and filter it with low pass filter. Maybe I’ll even add an LFO onto the cutoff. Groundbreaking stuff :smile:

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A Monologue is vastly more capable than a real SH-101 or the Behringer copy, and sounds just fine, no it doesn’t sound exactly like a 101, but if you wanted to emulate typical 101 sounds on it then provided you know what you are doing then you can.

Thing with the 101 is it is a very simple synth, that is almost always sounding good because it is so simple, and it was originally a budget synth anyway.

Monologue has full CC control and lots more, and it’s cheaper.

But whatever I prefer the polyphonic, memory, unison, full cc, equipped SH-01a anyway :slight_smile: But horses for courses.


I don’t understand how you guy’s can waste your time bickering about what is and what’s not… Imagine all the songs you could have finished instead or dare I say it fun with your synths… :sweat_smile::joy:


There’s no accounting for taste but let’s at least try not to call people delusional or infer that they are delusional for having their own preferences.

Maybe read the forum guidelines again, if it has been a while.


Not sure why, but Monologue definetily sounds way worse to my ears than Minimoog, Pro-One or SH-101.

I guess it’s a matter of taste, anyone can say they prefer Fisher Price piano to Minimoog and they are entitled to their opinion. Can’t argue with that.

I’ll do my best to argue this on merits…

Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.

Tracks I used Monologue heavily on:

It might be Fisher Price but it does stuff the SH-101 couldn’t do thanks to the unique sequencer implementation, and self-resonating filter. And, despite the low price, it ain’t no clone of another company’s design.


mic drop by AdamJay right there ^^^

this guy gets it.

Well if the Monologue is the Miller High Life of synths, I still don’t mind smashing a 6 pack.

Side note/pro tip: put just under an ounce of root beer in a 16oz pour of high life and it will beat out many craft beers. Learned this a few years ago, it brings out the malt. It can even be flat, basic A&W root beer.


So you used Monologue in your techno tracks, good for you. Nice tracks, but was that supposed to prove something?

Minimoog, Pro-One and SH-101 also have couple of pretty good sounding tracks in their merit list and I think I’d still choose any of those synths over Monologue as I imagine most people would.


waiting for you to post tracks you’ve done with a Minimoog, Pro One or SH-101 (the real ones)…