The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

I’m thinking more and more, with all these little devices set up for MIDI NRPN control, that it might be an opening for their FREE DAW. Perhaps there will be virtual interfaces of these ready to run in the DAW. Kinda like the Plug-Outs Roland did, perhaps ??

I get it, other DAWs just do virtual digital versions rather than real analog devices.

This is pure speculation on my part. I really don’t know what Behringer has in mind next.


Does the new BCR support NRPN’s? If so that’s could be a nice tie in with the new gear. Handy for newer synths such as the AS-1 as well as supporting older synths

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Fingers crossed for a lil Elka Synthex.

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Sure why not ? Behringer appears willing to boil down some version of just about everything they have made or are working on. As was posted a while back, they acquired “Synthex” as a trademark. I’ve not seen anything on that full sized project, but who knows.

Would a VCS3 Mini make any sense at all ?? I already suggested the Polivoks. A micro Solina ? A mini Deepmind. A mini Odyssey ? A micro Cat ? What else ?

Or the Eurorack version of any of this.


Their working on a Solina. Sign me up for that one.

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just seen the Behringer shameless clone of the Syntakt and honestly, this is the final straw. i don’t care if they nail the core sound/workflow, it’s an insult to the hard work of the engineers at Elektron. sometimes you have to make a stand.

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They are really far along with that one. Watch the detailed video on that, that i posted in the Behringer Solina thread.

My opinion :

The thing that’s cool about their Solina is not only how obsessed they have been with recreating the sound, but the effort they took to duplicate the unusual technology of that synth. That can’t be the least expensive approach to take, but it is certainly the most authentic.

That video is good too, to get a little view of one of the engineers Behringer employs.

Quite surprised that the Solina has not been released already.

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i kind of respect what B are doing with this stuff but the VCS3 “Spirit” just doesn’t seem viable as an instrument, that 16x16 pin matrix looks the size of a 5p piece and the ergonomics freak me out. having said that if they nail the sound/workflow i expect them to fly off the shelves


Behringer posted pictures of UB-Xa desktop version, then:

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Great video. Yes a legendary instrument with a unique sound. This is a must have in any studio. They really are trying to be accurate as possible with this one i agree.

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Kobol. I’m in!

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CS Mini:

The Behringer engineer Gilles, being mostly done with his work on the Kobol, is on to the recreation of the even rarer Poly Kobol !

Source : Behringer Facebook.


Ive got to say dont these Engineers have the best job in the world :slight_smile:

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Behringer has more than 400 engineers ( Electrical / Electronic, Software, Mechanical, and Manufacturing ), and are currently hiring more.

Source : Behringer Facebook.

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I like the name Victor. This of course is the Eurorack version of the ProVS. They are aiming for the same price as Brains – $149 USD.

They have already reved the design, and will have another functioning prototypes end of week, and say they will document that with a video.

Here’s what they say on Facebook about this second design :

Some days ago we showed you the first iteration of the PRO-VS in a Eurorack format. Here is now the front panel draft of Victor, which offers the same 127 original wave tables plus an OLED oscilloscope and with amazing 96 kHz resolution. Our next iteration will replace two connectors with 2 additional VR’s, which you can see from the draft.


I reviewed the brains:


Ugh. This is going to be the final straw that pushes me into Eurorack. Might as well go start my ModularGrid now.


Me too. After Victor Frankenstein of course. I like the humour. :slight_smile:

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