The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

What no MIDI :,-). This actually looks interesting, wonder how they were going to condense all the knobs down. Also outputs from the joystick!

I wondered about MIDI too. There’s an empty space where the USB connector is on Brains. Perhaps they’ll do that. USB is pretty much standard now for firmware upgrades, isn’t it. Otherwise the USB is around the back.

Yeah good on Joystick outs ( and ins).

I think I said something similar upthread but I think B would get a lot less grief if they did more things like this Victor module. Not necessarily doing more eurorack - but creating something that is a little bit different from things that already exist rather just slavishly mining the nostalgia. They’ve still got a way to go with regards to graphic design (still has a bit of a vibe of what teenage boys from 1997 think looks futuristic) but it’s definitely at the top end of their spectrum.


the graphic design on this one, the neutron/proton, and the brains are all an abomination. Definitely looks like the worst late 90s sports gear, and garish boys t shirts of the time. I think that exact kind of font is just marketing shorthand for “you are a man, and you are extreme and intense.” It basically looks like the young blonde demoer guy with the spiky hair designed it all


Thats a great name for the next module release :+1:


Moot. It doesn’t look like that anymore. It’s black with simple blue trim.

All these designs are strawmen to draw comment in design. ( Excuse me for repeating this point. )


But perhaps it wasn’t moot at the time of posting. And if designs are posted here in a thread to discuss their potential releases then it’s only sensible that people comment on what’s posted here… I wouldn’t expect people to have to go searching other parts of the internet on the off chance a further iteration has been published which may make a passing comment out of date.


Agreed. I didn’t comment on delikinesis post’s content, only that the current design has changed.


I commented on their design saying all the same things i said here, and then they changed it back to the pro vs blue when someone sent in that mock-up. Much nicer, I’d grab one

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Highly subjective. I like this design. Whats important is it comes to fruition.


The new design is really nice. Certain looks have their associations and I really prefer simple ones that don’t recall extreme sportswear


Extreme sportswear like this?


i prefer the elegant simplicity of borats unitard to the aforementioned designs :wink:

Mmm…Matching drum UW?! huh? huh? Oh yeah!

I think as many who are mocking them, they are giving people, jobs/careers engineering these, making them, though I don’t know how well those people are paid and that counts, and giving so many an affordable dream. Not just some professional.

Say what people will, I think in the end more people enjoying and accessing making music, and instruments people are asking for is a win.


the geforce Oberheim OB-E sounds incredible. i’m in love with that sem/svf sound. I really hope that behringer nail that with the 2-xm, but I think i will ultimately want some sort of poly. i guess if the ub-xa comes out within the next 2 years, it should be comparable enough to the ob6?

Better. The OB6 was a sort of compromise.

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How so?

Up next – a Mini or Micro vocoder ???

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There are differences. Some prefer the OBxa some dont.

I think that’s a bit unfair. It wasn’t ever meant to be a reproduction of the XA at all was it?

The only things (I believe) the OB6 lacks compared to the XA are 2 voices, layering and an LFO? Whereas you gain loads of things like variable oscillators, filter types, sub osc, aftertouch…

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