The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

Why is it unfair? They are different synths and some prefer the OBxa for its bigger rawer sound. They have a lot in common but are not the same. Its subjective which one you like. But the compromise was so that they could have at least a favourable collaboration between the two Analogue giants.

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Just because it’s like saying a Ford F150 is a compromised version of a Mustang.
They have similarities, but one wasn’t ever meant to be a remake of the other, they were just designed by the same person.

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Well he asked if it was comparable enough. Thats underestimating just how good the OBxa was. A stripped down version is not imo the same synth.

Or maybe tribute to the 1957 RCA Mark II Synthesizer, which was called Victor too, and is said to be the first programmable electronic synthesizer. Victor was also a record company before that.

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I’m sure it’s mentioned above, but Victor is surely just a play on Vector ( VS Vector Synthesis ) 
 plus the marketing thinking may have been that it also conveys triumph (victory), the fact that it’s a name may not have been considered too significantly imho


They just referenced the second programmable synth from 1959 on their Facebook page.

Uli is big into this ancient synth history recently, but i don’t know.

ADDED : Was that second programmable synthesizer the first ( German ) synth “clone” ?


It’s ̶t̶u̶r̶t̶l̶e̶s̶ German synth clones all the way down.


Photos of a final pre-production of the VCS3. They have had to spend extra time on the mechanical construction of the matrix, and have also been meticulous to recreate the original sound while still adding some additional features. This is now in beta test, but they have not committed to a shipping date.


Good lord. And to think I just bought a Syntrx

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Wow!. The build quality looks exceptional.

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Dont worry it will take years for behringer to release this >.<

I guess the volca copies will come first as there bound to be good sellers.

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or maybe the VCS3 needs fewer (absent) chips (if any - assuming midi)

so we can safely assume this one ain’t $99 then :cheeky:

That’s a lot of desk spoken for; it’s gonna have to sound special to justify that

The Syntrx can at least go into a bag/case. This looks like the immoveable centrepiece of someones retro-fetish synth set-up. But even so :heart_eyes:

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I’m afraid it will exceed the price of Behringer 2600s, even 2nd gen ones.

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You can see the back, in a picture from a year ago upthread.

Hopefully the headphone connection is made convenient.

I’ve been imagining the costs for making this sort of thing, including the built-in spring reverb ( confirmed by Behringer ). I’m figuring with the three ( likely ) circuit boards, the three fancy pots, the special meter, and the deluxe case, this will be above the 2600.

Yeah, agreed, but probably not a lot more.

Given Behringer’s manufacturing abilities and penchant, i wouldn’t be surprised by a more transportable variant eventually.

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Sigh. Mobility is a sign of the times i guess.

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If it’s any consolation, the Syntrx looks way cooler. :slight_smile:


agreed, syntrx is a thing of beauty. I must say Erica have become one of the very best manufacturers imo. love all they do :heart:


Dare I say
the Boogerfoogers?


Behringer’s salting the earth contnues.