The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

I really doubt they can make it as good as Moog’s.

But if they do that… oh boy!

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I really hope the filter is next.

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Haha, that Booger proto type looks butt ugly.

The original MF delay catches crazy money on the second hand market, though, so a reasonably priced alternative is a good thing.

Looks really close to the Moog, no?


like his ugly unsuccessful fake it still never make it cousin

Similar, but all the details are off. :slight_smile:

Just noticed the MIDI port. Interesting.

yeah id love a midi murf. wanted one pretty bad since the Rival Consoles in the studio session with Factmag


interesting that they did a full copy, just like everything else they do…?



Ah, didn’t know there was MIDI on the original. I own the RingMod and the Filter, which are MIDI-less.

the Moogerfooger delay was made in 104, 104Z, 104M, and 104SD models. I believe the main difference between them all was delay time. and that the 104M had midi.


The rear panel looks way better on the Behringer one

The more stuff Behringer release the more prople realize they are paying for just LABELS. Not in the past the companies like Moog were flag bearers and adventurers. But these days its more a case of snobbery to diss. Who gives a fuck if you buy knockoff sunglasses not Dolce whatever. The only people that would care would be the elite upper class in Monaco.


disagree. also it looks like they cracked the left press-board/fake wood cheek during assembly. nothing like f*cking up the prototype to prove you know how to build stuff well! :+1:

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Hopefully it’s about £100 - £150 … personably I’d pay a bit more for a modern case and no ‘ye olde worlde wooden panels ‘

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You can properly see the build quality differences in those pictures.

Just checked prices online for the Moog one: absolutely insane. I remember deciding against buying one years ago as I decided £250 was too much.

Delays have come a long way since though, has anyone really been clamoring for one of these that much?


Update for the LM Drum:

Many of you asked about an update of our LM DRUM Drum Machine / Sampler.
We have now completed the revision B hardware design, which we hope will be the last one. As you can see from the PCBs below, this machine has two very powerful H7 and F3 ARM processors, which are the exact chips, that are in global short supply. However this doesn’t prevent our engineers from working on the firmware and we’re happy to share that we’re at around 80% completion rate. Most functions are fully implemented and working.
We obviously don’t have a release date or price yet.
We have 7 teams working on over 50 synths and drum machines, but it’s fair to say that the LM DRUM is one of our most exciting and anticipated products, ever.


I think certain items gain a reputation as the best-of-type. You see it all the time with discontinued products.

Oh, they’re selling the prototype?


I also passed up the change of a cheap(er) original, but I do have the ring mod, Freqbox and CP-251, and they’re very cleary well-engineered and built devices, whcih is part of their appeal - they’re reliable and a joy to use, and what you get is arguably more than just a label. But I certainly wouldn’t pay current asking prices for any of the orignials now, and Moog have clearly moved on, so let Behringer pass their research and design savings on to the consumer.