The Big Elektronauts Hip-Hop Thread: production tips, sharing our music, feedback and inspiration

Yeah, I think the suddenly I have part is fine but it’s too loud. What I would try is cutting out the low end, lowering the volume, throwing some delay on it and bringing it in over the top. Let the lows come in and the levels rise up while you’re cutting down the main track and then jump right back to the verse.

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Are these videos you? I love the style. The 388 video in particular is the shit!

@DimensionsTomorrow sorry to time hop, but I’m massively intrigued by the Breakbeat Bible book. I’m not remotely an actual drummer, just a pad drummer, and don’t read music - is it still worth getting?

Also: Shitty Is Pretty is the blueprint. I’m usually the one ranting about Gabe Roth so it’s a joy to see somebody else doing it with me needing to :wink:

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I’d say so. You’ll be extremely surprised how easy it is to read drum notation. It shows you in the book. Plus, there are tons of audio examples.

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Sold! Thanks for the recommendation - it’s a superb idea for a book.

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To touch upon what some people were saying regarding synth sounds not sitting in the mix alongside samples taken from vinyl, this video is worth a watch:

Ultimately, it’s easy to forget that the sounds on the records we sample have gone on quite a journey from the instrument they originated from to the point at which we sample them. Depending on the era and style of production, there might a preamp, an analog desk, some outboard processing, a tape machine, then mixdown & mastering, not to mention the process of cutting the tracks to vinyl. Adding in the skills and expertise of the musicians, engineers and producer, there’s a lot you might need to do to get a dry sound ending up in the same ball park. BUT… that’s the fun stuff!

Whether you choose to use VSTs or hardware, work out your own techniques or follow the lead of others, it’s all about tuning your ear and building whatever it is that sounds right to you.

And listen to Gabe Roth. Shitty IS Pretty. Always.


I already posted about this elsewhere, but I wanted to make sure all y’all hip-hop heads knew 'bout this. :slight_smile:

New MPC One beat tape baby! Thanks to the MPC and participating in the beat battles I feel like my game has been slowly leveling up, and I’d like to think that these beats show it.

It’s 85-90% sample based, with a few MPC synth plugins here and there. Most of the samples are from my small library, or from records that I sampled. This tape is a bit more experimental on a few tracks, but I think it’s good to get out there and try wack stuff to see what happens, be it good or bad :rofl:

Anyways, peace!


Sounds really good, man. Funky! Congrats on the release!

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Congrats for the release!

I love the sound of those drums, real funk in there.

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Really cool stuff all the way through. I think my favorite thing was the way the intro track comes together from what feels like random parts at first and then just sort of coheres. But all throughout I liked all the experimenting you were doing, especially on that Honky Tonk Fonk one.

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Thank you all for the kind words! I am honored to see the work “funk” mentioned, as I really love funk and funky music.

Glad you liked Honky Tonk Fonk @Doug. That one was definitely my most farrrrr out sounding one😂


Great work mate. The second half of honky tonk is the one! :fire:

Also, Taped Accurately and Heaven Sent are great. Lovely textures. Live commentary!

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A little Trip Hop/Hip Hop beat on the Rhythm:


Love the live commentary! :joy: :facepunch: Taped Accurately was made with samples from Accurate Beats, (here’s a video about the sample pack I used), and Heaven Sent’s main sample was from a random 45". Heaven sent is definitely my favorite out of the bunch, so it’s awesome that you like it was well. :smile:

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Sick track mate! I love how boomy the kick is. To me the track feels like a swirling pool of sound, but it stays in the sweet spot between too much noise and too little for the ear to latch on to. :facepunch:

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How did you get that snare…? What have you done to give it crisp attack and a long tail please?

I’ve just bought the digital version. I’m no drummer. Its great. I’m glad I bought it…

hmmm… i’ll have to go back and look, but i think it’s a combination of:

  • drum chops right from the song i was sampling
  • layered addictive drum hits behind them
  • eq and compression

will check the ableton session in a bit to see if that’s right. most of it is the original drums, though.

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Ah nice one, thank you…what does layered addictive drum hits behind them mean

addictive drums is a vst:


Thanks. I’ll try layering then, thats useful