The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

A knob that is a copy of a moog knob.


The worst kind…

The silver bit falls out.


Tinfoil mate


I do think they have their place though, even if it is unintended comic relief.

Wasn’t it Adam Ant that said
“Ridicule is nothing to be scared of!”

Maybe Uli was an Ant Person back in the day?

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I gotta give Behringer credit: every time I’m tempted to buy something of theirs I don’t really need (MS20, 2600) they do something dumb enough that I decide against it (CDM-dissing, Swing).


yeah their behaviour has worked wonders for my wallet honestly


I really wanted that Barp 2600, only synth I wanted to own of theirs. Luckily capitalism allows me to vote with my money, and there is quite a few Elektrons in that price bracket.


Yes! Different companies copying the same handful of products! That’s INNOVATION! And Competition too? Aw shit, sign me up!

I forget how many times I’ve phrased this differently. Keep your Behringer GAS in check, because it’s only a matter of time before you are embarrassed to own something they made. Yes, you get to find out what you could do if only you had an ARP 2600 (heads up, it sounds like a 2 osc subtractive mono synth), but you also get to feel these events more acutely and may to deal with the fallout if you make content related to gear.

Some of their embarrassments are more defensible than others, but you will have to defend them on the regular if you upload videos about them to your youtube, forums, etc.


I actually had a dream one time that I was cleaning up my room for a journalist who was coming to do a studio interview with me, and I had a Boog or something and I hid it under my bed before they arrived :joy:



Behringer Induced Anxiety Dream.


I originally thought that Ty Unwin’s Behringer rants maybe went a bit far.

As it happens it seems he was right all along. They have no class, and I’d rather spend my money elsewhere.


It would be quite funny if he was a guest on the Sonic State podcast this week…


Bottom line for me is that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.

The manner in which Behringer conducts their business and their community interactions matters (to me at least). Bad vibes and all around lack of respect = my $ going elsewhere.


I’ve stuck up for Behringer in the past, more as a shout against clone snobbery than anything, but they’ve shown a real lack of class lately. They lost me over the Peter Kirn thing, but yesterday’s silliness is just hilarious. I’m lucky I guess that I’m a well off enough musician that I can pass on Behringer gear.
In the old days, hard up musicians used cracked software, now hard up musicians use Behringer, and they seem happy to be just that, a “necessary” evil for hard up producers.


You know, I don’t understand this idea that B is playing Robin Hood and delivering cheap gear to starving artists who would otherwise be unable to make music. First off, there’s no rule that you HAVE to have hardware to make electronic music, in fact 90% or more of producers are ITB. Besides the cost of a computer which you should have anyway, you can really get into making music without spending a lot on hardware. Second, they’re competitively priced but not the cheapest in town, especially when you factor build quality and features per $.

I don’t think their target demo is the “starving artist.” That guy is going to find some other way and likely get the sound they want in software. No, their target is the suburban Dad, who doesn’t have the time or inclination to learn about the capabilities of new products, and is easily seduced by a product that looks and smells like a “classic.” And this is a person who, most importantly, has $700 or so of expendable cash on hand. They know that’s their sweet spot.


Or the synth history nerd who feels (s)he needs to have classic models, not to make music, but because they’re classics.
I think a newcomer wouldn’t care less if it’s a classic or not, but rather if it can make cool stuff his or her DAW can’t. And Behringer’s synths aren’t the solution for that.

They’re a bit like Pokemon synths, for the people who “gotta catch em all”, consumerism at its best.

However, I think you’re a bit off pricewise :slight_smile:


Funny you should mention that…


Time to watch it live.