The ego, the id and the youtube reaction video

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Google’s statement on ‘non-personalised’ (i.e. without cookies) content:

Non-personalised content is influenced by things like the content that you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalised ads are influenced by the content that you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalised content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.

Note ‘influenced by things like …’. They’ve listed some of the things they do use but they don’t claim it’s exhaustive, they don’t rule out IP address. If I was a mega-corporation with pots of money to spend on profit-optimising algorithms, I think I’d want to exploit IP address as a worst-case proxy for identity, when no cookies were available.

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So if i understand correctly you want your search results to be more in tune with what you like to watch. Then the problem is the youtube algorithm which is showing you stuff you don’t actually watch.

So we’re in the same boat. Youtube also shows me a lot of shit i’d never watch. But i never had the feeling that youtube was a mindful platform with tons of intelligent content in the first place. So i’m not dissapointed by it.

Would i like to have a platform that has more meaningful content for my liking?
Yes, absolutely. And if i had more time and energy to create it i would.
But that’s why i like this forum for example. The people in here mostly talk about stuff i like. Like your thread. I’m not here to argue, i find this topic very interresting and like reading your views and thoughts about it.

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What about the ego, the id, and the synthfluencer (stupid name) video?
Synthfluencers: Please for the love of Pete, stop showing yourself and staring into the camera. It’s weird and I don’t want to see you. Yes, I want to learn about Parts on the OT but I don’t need to see you.
Okay, I’m finished. Sorry.
It’s sort of on-topic.


i heard from a m8 that on instagram you have to show your face to be picked up in the algorithm, i guess YT is similar and people are generally human and like relating to a face and (cult of) personality.

i see too many shit sounding shiythnfluencers making low grade, generic, boring music (with $20,000 setups ((including cameras)) ) getting lauded in the comments section and amassing followings from people/kids who haven’t got any points of comparison to realise it’s all been done before and better.

shitpost but felt good to say it.

as for reaction videos i’m guilty of loving RLM, whose whole channel is built around reaction and critique. there’s mindless comfort in it :slight_smile: and i’m not saying that’s a good thing.

What if there was a video that could make you a master of every aspect of the OT, but you had to look at the presenter the whole time. Would you stick to your beliefs and skip that video?


YouTube has completely stopped listening to me when I tell it not to recommend videos to me, at least on the app on my TV. My phone app seems much more in tune with what I’ve told it.


First the wife, then the kids, now uTube… the circle is complete.


You forgot my dogs.

Them little pricks don’t listen to me either.


Or the inverse case – what if there was a video that taught you absolutely nothing, but it didn’t show a presenter?? :crazy_face:


Same here. My husband opened his YouTube account on our Apple TV app, and it was suddenly suggesting “YouTuber family vlogs, and YouTuber confessional videos”. Whereas on his phone app it’s pretty well curated at this point.

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10 hour fireplace videos are the bees knees


I’ll take an hour of a cat sleeping on an Elektron box, over watching a YouTuber explain their journey with the Octatrack confessional style for 5 minutes.


Yeah, my TV app went through this weird phase the other week of recommending these sort of “look at us in our matching white outfits” couples announcing pregnancies and that sort of shit.

YouTube is a weird fucking place.

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Oh yes, I forgot the “OMG guys I’m pregnant!” videos. And the “We bought a house!” videos. Who watches this stuff.


Language, you’re speaking to a lady here.



Twats, m’lady.


The only good thing on uTube…