The ego, the id and the youtube reaction video

M’lady. There, fixed it for you.

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everything you said except I also probably genuinely don’t like reaction videos, I think it’s because it makes me feel like the human species is in a state of both expansion and decline. Expansion of the ego and decline of the check valve that keeps us from becoming the future culture depicted in idiocracy.

this is the start of some kind of creepy fetish shit and I won’t have any part of it.

if you present it with gifts perhaps youtube will give you a second chance.

this is known as the “amazon product video”.

I don’t want to give my honest answer but the nicest term I can think of is sheeple.

I always log out/sign out before search, and clear history, etc. often with the assumption that by doing so I’d get a more “neutral” algorithm. No idea if these help or not though…

Probably viewbots too! Lots of viewbots.

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It is. That, and money.
And you’re fueling it by wasting any thought on it.

What he said!

the fact that no-one has filmed a video of their reaction to this thread makes me very sad.


That’s what Cookoo is for


While I’m fully in the camp of “I don’t watch these, and their abundance and continued creation* troubles me regarding the state of our collective humanity,” I feel compelled to mention that there must be (I presume) lonely people out there around the world who derive some sense of joy out of watching these. It must feel to them like they’re in the company of another person, when maybe in real life they’re not.

I recognize that just points to the modern condition of isolation and loneliness, and invites criticism of how these videos have become our answer to those conditions…

(…not to mention a particular flavor of this video where the creator is hoping to cash in on their own objectification in one way or another… which is a different angle on this business…)

* something we used to call a “trend”


People watch too much YouTube!

OnlyFans has its place in the world, for better or worse.

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I’m currently shooting B-roll, editing phase to follow.

yes yes yes but also no. I stopped thinking about it the moment this post left my fingers and went back onto autopilot.

All responses have been created by my subservient AI response-bot “sponsie” and I’m currently teaching her how to dabble in nihilism and the banal.

for these reasons I’m trying to learn on youtube instead of these awkward “face to face online pay me to teach you” or “go to communal learning wearing a mask and rubber gloves” sort of things people do these days that takes away from their gear budget and robs them of their dignity.

I like the autodidactic format, I respond well to it. I do not, however, find any fault in anyone who gets something out of in person interaction for learning purposes - to the contrary I find it admirable.

a lot of people, sadly, don’t know where to draw the line. my back starts to hurt if I sit in front of a computer for too long and my phone has a broken screen so I have to be really motivated.

this may be the second truest thing you’ve ever said.


I realized that I honestly never gave a shit about Tosh point Oh either and maybe that was the start of my intolerance for reaction videos, I just ignored it and put it behind me because they were “tv people”.

This is OP


Also OP


Just as much as ever but left unchecked it’s dangerous to the status quo/financial systems. So now we live in a forced dreamworld. Art is dead and only “content” is celebrated because it can be quantified and commodified

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Im skipping on the reaction videos until we get a reaction to a reaction video.

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it’s the polar opposite of des cartes “I think therefore I am.”

this is “I post, therefore I expect”

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