The Guitar Thread

Lovely! I’ve got a thin-line hollow body at the moment but would love to ad a deeper body too. Something I’ve never tried before to be honest.

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I only really know the name, but I’ll definitely check them out!

My favorite Japanese band, and part of the inspiration for my guitar purchase is Eastern Youth (first described to me as a Japanese Jawbreaker equivalent). I was at one of the gigs in this video. It takes about a minute for the music to kick in, but is so good. The front man Yoshino-san is basically one of the godfathers of Japanese punk. He strikes me as sort of a Japanese Ian MacKaye. I’ve seen him play tons of times solo and as part of EY. Their music is pretty heavy, but between songs he always does this really awesome jazzy noodling as he talks. Made me want one of those Yamaha’s even more.

The last Japanese band that I saw live was the doom band Boris as part of an Earthquaker Devices gig, and they are phenomenal! Highly recommended if you ever get a chance to see them play. Wata-san is such an amazing guitarist. She plays really interesting gear, which is probably why Earthquaker is doing a pedal with her. I’m glad the band is finally getting a lot of recognition overseas.


Boris is great live! I saw them years ago, amazing show. My personal favorite slow and heavy Japanese band is probably Acid Mothers Temple. I’ve seen them live a few times and they never disappoint. Kind of psychedelic metal.
Also, on the fast and heavy side, seeing Melt Banana live reignited my enthusiasm for guitar at a time when I had all but abandoned the instrument.


Awesome. Thanks for this. I was just listening to some of his tunes and checking out some videos of Eastwood’s signature model and am more excited than ever for the new guitar.

A lot of history about the SG1000 in this:

I fancy Wata :wink:

But the late Futoshi Abe of TMGE is my #1 guitar idol. Ha ha.


My local shop. I didn’t even bother to take pics of the high-end stuff. Just some vintage Japanese and weird stuff.

Alternatively titled, if the internet were a real place.


Just a note: I was at Guitar Center and tried a brand new Fender American Performer Strat, the cheapest American-made Strat they currently offer. It was AMAZING. I could not believe the quality. To anyone interested, awesome guitar.


reminds me of the yamaha revstar which gets a rave review here. also sounds like an LP / Mick Ronson.

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That is a stunner. I really like these guitars. Enjoy. I had a Momose SG for a while, it was fantastic


This is a great thread. One thing I have had a long struggle with is combining guitar with electronic music, and often they exist separately in the projects i do. I think I’ve got to a place where I have a style which works as a coherent whole with elements of electronic music and guitar. Here is an example.


This is awesome. Definitely a successful example of guitars+electronic music. It can be tricky, you’re right.


Awesome! I love the Deviser brands. They just ooze quality. I briefly owned this guitar from Seventy Seven, another Deviser company. Honestly, this is one of the few guitars I regret selling. It was just so lovely, and the last humbucker guitar I’ve owned. Even looking at pictures makes me kick myself for letting it go. At the time, I convinced myself if was too “classy”. I kind of felt like I had to be really careful with it. I was taking some jazz lessons at the time, and decided to just stick with my tele, which feels nearly indestructible.

I really hope the new Yamaha will fill the void. I’ll post pics when I get it.


I lived in Hong Kong for quite a few years ago and tried the 77 guitars. I wasn’t smart enough at the time to buy one.

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It arrived! First new guitar in nearly 10 years. Even nicer than in the photos the seller provided and it plays and sounds amazing. The action is quite low, so it’s really easy to play complex chords.

Some dings and scratches here and there, and the white binding and pickguard has turned that cream color you get with old guitars, but overall it has aged really well. The oil-stained finish is just beautiful. Hard to even do it justice in photos.

Really clear, articulate sound, not what I’m used to with humbuckers. The coil taps sound great too, and provide loads of tonal options, both clean and dirty. Very happy with this one!


A friend of mine brought over a Revstar for a Yamaha photo shoot a year (edit: wait, almost two years! gah) ago and I have to say, it’s a very lovely guitar.

I probably would buy one if I could justify it. Sadly I don’t play guitar much anymore, but even so I still get the desire to buy a Bass VI or something just because they’re so amazing. Also I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve posted in this thread!


Man, I entered a world I didn’t know much about and discovered some crazy stuff. Vintage Japanese rack effects. The final frontier (I’m definitely late to the party). :hole:

I won’t bore you with everything I’ve learned/discovered, but I dipped my toe into the water, and holy moly!

Maxon/Ibanez DM1000. This is like if Strymon were around in 1982-83. One of the first digital delays I believe. I’ve seen it listed as both 8-bit and 12-bit (but most people say 8-bit). Instead of being the clean digital delay you might think of, it’s more in the vein of a tape echo unit. Dark and dirty, lofi, but not in a harsh bit crusher way.

I see elements of the Deco, El Cap, and Dig in here. In fact, I think the Dig has a mode that emulates these kind of units if I’m not mistaken.

So how much did this piece of history set me back? $40 including shipping! Perhaps my cheapest effects unit and certainly worth the risk.

For the experimental people out there, there’s even a “hold” feature that will grab a snippet of the delayed sound which you can manipulate with the dials and play over, perhaps good for ambient stuff.

I got this mainly to sit in front of my reverb tank so that I have a delay permanently in the chain, for times when I don’t feel like setting up pedals and just want to plug in. So far I really love the “ambience” settings (very swampy) and slapback delays. The longer “tape delay” sounds are also quite cool if that’s your thing. I haven’t really messed around too much with the very short settings that get you flanger and chorus.

Sort of like the Deco, various delay parameter and modulation combinations will get you a variety of effects.

A great overview with a Fender Rhodes:

A little dub demo I found (I dig these spring reverb units as well, but they aren’t as easy to come by or quite as cheap).


Man, I have talked myself out of getting a reverend so many times but the 390 is such a cool guitar!

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I phone recording of my Collings D1 which I ended up trading for a Santa Cruz. Would have been nice to keep both!


Yvette Young demoing her latest signature guitar.

Timing of this video coincided with my friend reminding me of the upcoming Covet tour

The mic must be pretty good quality for the nylon-on-Tele idea to sound this good