The Guitar Thread

Hear that!

Yup, going to try and get some time to set two mics up tonight for recording.

I’ve tried Helix, Iridium, UAFX (best so far) and a Benson plug in. Last two being the best by far, but I miced the PR up and that was instantly nicer to my ears.


That’s a really nice pairing! If you have the mics/ channels for it I recommend trying a four mic setup for recording. Close mic each speaker and a pair of room mics further back. Ymmv naturally.
Discovering the glory of a multi amp setup was a game changer for me. Everything instantly sounded so spacious. It started when I got my first pedal with two outs and I used two peavey practice amps. It eventually got grotesque when I was using two full stacks in a death/ thrash metal band. Haha! Moving that rig to gigs sucked but 225 watts through 16 12s sounded unreal.


Had a two amp setup for a spell and it sounded great but was way too much for the space I was in. I much prefer an imperfect mic amp recording over any sim though I do use origin ones for going into octatrack as I’m messing it up anyway. Haven’t tried th UA.


Just bought and had this 1977 Fender Vibrosonic (basically a twin with a 15” speaker) serviced …. Was a bit of a faff, as it needed quite a lot of work, but sounds amazing. Especially as it has the orange frame 15” JBL D130F speaker

Also, found this 2005 Eastman AR910CE recently, and this is joyful too. Not as dark and smoky as I thought when plugged in, but beautifully clear and alive. The acoustic tone is fantastic. Thinking about trying a different floating pickup ….


anyone have a reasonable diagram for wiring a 2 speaker cabinet for mono/stereo using a regular switchcraft 1/4" TS for the mono input and switchcraft TRS 14b switching jack with the make/break as the the mono/stereo toggle? I know there’s a way to do it where plugging into the mono uses both speakers and plugging into the 14b will break the connection and the second input becomes tied to the second speaker only. I have the parts but I don’t have a proper diagram.

Ask away.

I’ve had the AZ for about a month now. Amazing super strat. And the NX-8 Standard was just taken out of the box after waiting 24hrs this morning.

Here’s to new ways of expressing myself :upside_down_face:



Man, I love guitars. I love my elektron machines, but I really love guitars. The organic, breathing nature they have, and how raw they can be. Compliments the elektron sound well to my ears.
I’ve searched for years in ways to bring them together to make sweet love, and really struggled to sample the guitar in to the DT or OT and keep some vibe …. and just realised jamming alongside the DT (easier now it has song mode for a 1 man performance) is the way forward.


@MilesKvndra has some youtube content running his guitar through digitone. sounds good to my ears.


I use my looper for looping and pre amp, so guitar in looper, looper in a4. Reverb in a4 on my western guitar is really nice


Is anyone using a self built amp? I’ve been looking for a 5W tube amp that I can use at home.

There’s not many options for main brand combos in the £500 range. I had a Supro Delta King 10 delivered but it arrived with a faulty tube so I sent it back. This made me realise that cheap amps that have tubes incorporated with modern tech and cheaply built will be hard to maintain. And as I only want to buy an amp the once I want to get it right.

I’m thinking a basic fender 57 clone with an attenuator will cover my needs.

Oh, btw. I know nothing about guitars and amps. I’m just enjoying the noodling at the mo into headphones but I live my life in headphones so want to break free but not piss the neighbours off with a loud amp and some dodgy beginner power chords,


same here love custom guitars and high gain amps!

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I know people don’t like to imagine chinese built clones are equal to boutique amps but I was looking into some chinese built clones of boutique fender amp clones (if that makes sense) and some of the 5 watt models are pretty freaking awesome for hardly any money at all. they actually had some dumble amp clones too but they’re a bit more expensive. If you want I’ll find the link and the videos, if you aren’t interested, then I won’t worry about it.

you can actually order them with or without a cab and a speaker - so there’s 3 price points if you want a pre-built tube amp but to build your own cab and speaker combination.

Not home made, but the Panama conqueror is great. 5w tweed champ with a 12” speaker. I have two of them as they were only £350 each with proper wood cab

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I have looked at building amps from kits but never felt brave enough to try.

It’s not really answering the question you asked but you could pick up a used Blackstar ht5r for a couple of hundred quid and they are great amps for the money. Some people are a bit snobby about them because they aren’t 100% valve but you can get a wide range of tones from them and they’re reliable.


Great first build!


I found the link, this is the 5f2a clone, it’s like 150 bucks if you were ordering a dozen of them but you can buy a “sample” for $185 USD. About as inexpensive as you can find a hand wired amp which your own hands have not wired.

Tweed Hand Made Class a Tweed 5f2 Valve Rectifier Amplifier Combo 5W - China Musical Instruments and Guitar price (

There’s a bunch of different classic tube amp clones available through their “shop”. Some of them have good product demos, this one has a pretty average product demo but a lot of pictures.

I’ve been nosing around YouTube and various shops for a week or so and I’ve never come across this amp once.

Does the attenuator allow you to play at reasonable levels at home?

Yeah, that’s the build I was considering. Looks cool and probably within my skill range.

What are these clones you speak of? I recently sold my Bassman and have a hole in my soul.

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