The intoxicated hangout

Germany: Halten Sie mein Bier…

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What’s up trackerjack ?

Going strictly on talent, wouldn’t you say Australia (me) was actually very good in Eurovision SC? I don’t usually like emotional singing but this was quite a moving performance.

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Feierabend, that’s what’s up…


I don’t know what that is BUT I LIKE IT.

On a different subject, I’m thinking of selling my SFX6
am I crazy?

I didn’t watch it actually but I’m gonna say yes, absolutely. Or maybe I don’t just remember watching it.

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While drunk? Why not? PM me. The going rate is $499


I just attempted a little bit of Red Stripe therapy for the old Corona.

I wouldn’t recommend it…


Your offer reminded me of this bit of (drunken?) Finnish sports/business history:
In 1952, following the 1952 Summer Olympics in Finland, Adidas acquired its signature three stripe branding from Finnish company Karhu Sports, for two bottles of whiskey and the equivalent of 1,600€.

(From Wikipedia)

Never underestimate how thirsty a Finn can get.


Tonight we dose!


Oh sir! Red Stripe :+1:t6:
Corona [for me] is gnarly. The aftertaste is like butter, and I don’t mean smooth, I mean like what you put on toast. :face_vomiting:

Just finished work:

A Czech-inspired Pilsner seems the right choice to begin my “weekend”.


Drunk as a monkey…supposed to fire up the studio but got wasted instead :joy:

Now Im gonna sleep well and feel like shit accordingly to traditions when i wake up


Ahh the stark contrast between liquid dope vs psychedelics.
I’ll fire up the studio for hours, sleep like a baby and wake up feeling fantastic and rejuvenated.

Thanks for the reminder!

Just realized how snooty that sounded, dont get me wrong, I like booze too.
Too much sometimes, and that’s why I sound that way about it.
Get in where you fit in and let your freak flag fly :v:

:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


Cheers everyone!
I’m having a party with my Machinedrum…


That would be an expensive and potentially irreplaceable spill waiting to happen. Be careful!

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Haha true :grinning: The drrink is long gone tho

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Calanda? I grew up 30km from that brewery :wave:

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Chars salüds a turich. ( greetings to züri) . I just watched, i grew up and still am often ca20 km air distance away from that town but other valley ( and zh) . Best way there was a ski tour, also the best time to drink Calanda after a tour in spring. I need beer to most diners so i try to drink without alcohol sometimes…
I like the little town ( saw the new motto is: surrounded by magic…) and GR, just dont have many contacts, same in ZH, had a nice jamming place near, hope to be more social again one day. Now i can only jam low volume a bit or in summer if im in a cabin where i work. There i just discovered girun beer…
:+1:also if the face is a soundsystem techno reference.

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