The intoxicated hangout

Today is the beginning of my “weekend”. Seems appropriate to sip this wonderful bottle conditioned ale from a brewery often described as “the best in the world”…


Some friends from Austria visited us recently:


A crime to drink this from the can, but still incredible. So happy to host these folks recently!

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Ooh that looks nice!

It was incredible! Not always a Bock fan, but this was truly exceptional.

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Chillin, mixing Old Fashioned’s, Life is Good.


dicing and slicing with a single malt


Woke up this morning and took 3/4 tab of Dr Suess 3.0 and a couple kpins and had a blast animating and making meetings. Mid day took another half tab and a Kratom shot. Finished the day out with a bang. I can see what I need to do so we’ll with animation when slightly altered like that.
After worked, imbibed on some datura metel rolled in a ciggy with some lavender.
Decided to order BBQ for the wife and I.
Now that my juices are flowing I’m contemplating eating Pharmahuasca, or just taking a few puffs off this vape cart. Might swing both, then land ons bed of kolonnies.

Good fryday indeed!


Christ man, you’re not fucking around. Good on ya, stay the course! :ok_hand:

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Why does everyone in this thread sound sober?

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I lay off the hardcore stuff like booze, but I know how to let my hair down :stuck_out_tongue:

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I might have eaten too much BBQ to huck down the psudoAya, the night is young tho

Booze is all I can manage these days :neutral_face:

I’m intoxicated, but I manage it well.

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Booze is like the hardest of hardcore tho :crazy_face:
For some reason it’s just acceptable 🤷

The masses have made their decision :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just re-read @Buad ‘s post.
So, here I am.
:woozy_face: :eye:


I mean, there’s usually a good amount of water in it too – it’s hydrating! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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and setting


It can be pretty rugged when left unchecked. I have a very regimented schedule of consumptive that keeps me in balance. It’s possible to achieve, but it takes practice and an assumption of risk…

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Cheers. I’m a digi diplomat tonight.