The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread

My guess is they go the TE route, I’m looking forward to my overpriced lampshade that can change colour according to my emotion and/or SoundCloud releasing

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I thought this yesterday. The suits will have surely taken notice of TE selling out of preorders of a 2 grand OP-1 Field in an hour or two. Stockholm vs Gothenburg. Fight!


Digitakt is surprisingly good at granular. I’d kill for a model box that does physical modeling similar to the machinedrum though.

Also 🥹 RE: that monomachine vst mock-up

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I’ve used DT for “granular” in the past but had to spank four or five tracks to mimic polyphony and the feeling of multiple grains. It could be better!

A polyphonic sampler from them would be nice but I’m not sure that counts as “very different,” plus it would cannibalize two of their best selling boxes

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You’re probably right. I guess the only different way for them to do something along those lines would be a keyboard sampler with a decent amount of polyphony and up to 8 sequencer tracks. Different machines for different sampling techniques. That would be pretty wild. Like an updated Ensoniq KB.


Ah yeah, I could imagine something like that being cool, especially if they leaned heavily into making the sound of the engine fairly customizable character-wise… :thinking: Maybe different “machines” for different types of samplers, similar to something like a hardware version of TAL sampler.


I think an updated sampler seems to make the most sense for Elektron right now, as they pretty much have everything else covered. Their current flagship sampler is the only thing really requiring a refresh.


Yeah the “very different “ part, if true makes this appealing. Oh well, just speculation for now. We are probably at least 6 months out from a new product coming, as the Syntakt is still fairly new.

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If “very different” means a more modern, screen-driven UI, then I think a new loop/phrase sampler with a timeline arranger would be neat. They aren’t going to be making the OT forever!


That would be trip if they developed a new screen. Bit of a slippery slope as well.

I just have two words for this.


So Octatrack but analog FX.

No, last time I checked the OT did not have 16-24 tracks and was overbridge compatible. The goal would be to have a mixer that has effects you can sequence, so there is OT DNA in there, but ideally the plan would be take things further with existing gear and be able to multitrack in drum machines…synths…etc and have each track record into your DAW while the sequencer runs and the effects are modulated on a per channel basis.

The other thing would be to then sum the tracks back through the mixer and into the 2 buss which would have a compressor and Heat style saturator on it.

This is all just me making stuff up but I think it could be very cool and a lot more than just an OT. Of course I already replied to this exact thing earlier in the thread so I am not sure why you brought it up again.


A 16-24 track Elektron interface that multitracks other Elektrons over USB would amazing. So long as there are faders instead of knobs/encoders!


Yeah I feel like the mixer market could use some real creativity. And I say this while staring at my SSL 6. There is just so much potential with how people are moving to DAWless setups or folks who want to capture jams without needing a computer, plus people who want a USB multitrack solution into their computer. A mixer that offers both would be sick,

Its all a huge fantasy especially since your first post indicated its not a mixer, but I think Elektron could pull it off.

I also like the concept of the dedicated sequencer, which maybe IS something they are thinking of.


Yeah, for sure. I’m thinking more of a device that takes advantage of Overbridge and sums all the outputs from say three or four OB capable devices into a standalone device that works either with or without a computer connection. But that is a mixer in many respects, so maybe this trail is cold.

Overbridge was such a huge project and we know that elektron has a software interest so it makes sense to do this. And yeah you are getting what I was thinking here. I just thought track export without a computer would be a cherry on top add on that would blow everyone away who wants to be DAWless, while satisfying the computer crowd as well.

But tight integration via OB into the DAW with a bunch of boxes hooked up that are being modulated on top of what was programmed into them - honestly it would be so insane that none of us would have families or friends anymore…lol. So maybe Elektron is doing us a favor here.

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For what it’s worth:

In May, Moog here in Asheville had an in-store Elektron event and the North American sale rep was there. Me and a bud talked him up quite a bit and he said there was going to be a big update this fall. I know it’s vague but just wanted to add a log to the speculation fire :fire: