The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread

The plot thickens!


I just want that folded keyboard from the syntakt on my digitakt & digitone


Yep and it has been called for many times in the relevant feature request threads long before it became known as a folded keyboard. Seriously, one of the main reasons I’m not so interested in Elektron boxes any longer is the lack of microtonal compatibility. That should be an option on all of them. I think even the Monomachine had some of that stuff even. At least give us Just Intonation.


I would love to see a new flagship something with no features purposefully held back. I am not too interested in the small stuff like model:whatevers. If they actually made all that stuff in that screenshot like the model:drums and model:grooves or whatever it would be so boring.


This is an essential consideration for me, as well. Personally, I’d like manufacturers to imitate the implementations RDJ created for the Korg ‘Logues and Novation Peak/Summit: microtonal scales/tunings can be created manually on the device, as well as imported/exported in the standard formats; multiple slots to save custom tunings; no arbitrary limitations on retuning range or set—that is, tunings are not limited to 12 notes &/or to repeating at the octave (instead, there is full-range free microtuning, or an option to choose between that and a 12-note octave-repeating set—on the Korg ‘Logues this is offered in the form of 6 “User Octave” save slots plus 6 “User Scale” save slots, the latter being full-range)

If all, or even just most, of that was offered on a powerful modern groovebox—just imagine. I would love to hear what other people, and myself, would come up with.

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People will say anything to escape when feeling cornered :joy:


A big update for all the existing machines? In addition to a new very different hardware product? And presumably computer software with an unfortunate subscription option?

They are working on a drum machine with large pads, aka Elektron’s Nord Drum.

For Syntakt, they will release new machines, including a sample based one. Samples can be transferred with the Transfer app.

And they finally finished the UI for the analog compressor on the fx / analog channel that has been inside all the time.

For Digitakt / Digitone they added the folded keyboard.

On Digitakt, they allow you to choose which tracks should be routed to the master compressor.


That sounds great, I’ll take it. Thanks very much.

Just one more thing please, bypass the different FX pages (ie ducking, drive etc) per channel on the Syntakt.

You mean I should have waited outside the bathroom instead of following him in?


Lol straight out of Goodfellas :grimacing:

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A few things I would like to see from Elektron.

1.) An analog 8
2.) A new Octatrack/ digital/ analog drum machine. This device would have 2 usb ports on the back for an optional drum pad or usb keyboard. I would also like an sd card slot and a bay to install a large ssd hard drive. (Yes this device would be very expensive).

3.) I would like to see Elektron take on a standalone sequencer.

4.) Something I didn’t even know that I needed.

Not quite what we had in mind, Elektron :joy:

TBF, at least it’s not £100 like TE would charge!


This is just what I was hoping for in a new device. I will sample the shit out of it for the next 6 months. Month 1 - case rubs, Month 2 - case scratches, Month 3 - singing into the case….



Does it have a songmode?

A branded laptop bag?

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Thank god they didn’t put up a discussion thread for this.

Plus… doesn’t fall into „we haven’t done this before“ pheeeew


I hope it would record samples if you open the bottom zip

I’m so happy to see this format living on :hearts:

Well it is very different…

‘ECC-5b’ isn’t too catchy though, I’d have gone with Model:Bag