The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread

I’m overthinking it, but that’s the fun anyways. I’ve noticed that the DT, DN, OT, and AH prices dropped. This potentially narrows down the functionality of the hypothetical new product to something that has sampling and/or fm synthesis with analogue effects.

However, I think it’s hard to do fm much better than the DN, unless they added more algorithms with more operators? So my delusions are showing me an OT MK3 (or spiritual successor) with analogue drive and filter per-track and overbridge. Maybe more inputs and/or more tracks? Dekatrack?

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Because they implement song mode on Digis, my hope is they actually developped an Digi sequencer, which include song mode and because of this new machine they found a way to put it on all other one.

So my bet : DigiSequencer with mixing and fx


There would have to be more to it than that tho, otherwise what advantage would it have over the current Digis? If it packed in a lot of CV/Gate, as well as midi, that would differentiate it. Like Beatstep/Keystep Pro on Elektron crack.

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Yes of course, I imagined 4 pairs of inputs and several output you can choose the fonction (aux, cv …)

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What about a digi box for a stand-alone physical modelling synth?


would be so sweet if in the name of differentiation the DT2 had 4-6 layers of sample layering to go along with sample slicing and a new bag of FX tricks + some soft pads…

My guess for now : a sibling the the analog heat, that is , analog echo, a stereo delay box with multiple bdd circuitry.


I would absolutely love this! Not much else out there by way of competition, either.

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Software? 7 years for a stable beta release of Overbridge…

I know right? Especially if it had MPE support, and really had being plugged into a nice keyboard in mind. It also fits in to the Elektron ethos I think - I can imagine getting lovely organic sounds but also machinedrum-esque clatters and clangs out of it. It would need a really lovely reverb with a few modes, that can be controlled by the sequencer.


An analog FM, wavetable, mixing sampler.


let’s hope it has also polyphonic multiband compressor and granular distortion!

We can dream! Certainly not beyond the realms of possibility though. I’d be happy with something similar to a Digitone, with a ‘keys’ option. 4+4 tracks with polyphony. Mmmm.

I know it’s been said, but +1 for an Octatrack with updated effects, analog distortion & filter, polyphonic tracks and Overbridge. Also, it would be dope if they added a 9th track, to act as master.


Back to dreaming. A collab with Kilo hearts. Phase plant style v/a meets Digitone hybrid.


Analogue Overhub;

Overhub, Analogue Heat and Octatrack combined in Digi format to act as master hub and mixer for all your outboard gear. Would also include a front facing input with decent preamp for instruments/mics to really make it a viable replacement for my audio interface.


I love the idea of this but would also be cool if it was also an overbridge host for sending individual tracks to FX. Could help with the cable spaghetti and you’d still be able to run other hardware through the DT/DN/ST’s inputs.

Ohh yeah, didn’t even consider it as a host, that would really clean up my desk

Like an Elektron Apollo but with built in Overbridge hub and DSP? I could see that. Arturia seems to have done really well with their interface lineup, soooo… maybe?

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Whether via Syntakt or a new device, i think it would make sense for them to get proper wavetables into a Digi or flagship box somehow. Serum/Phaseplant/Omnisphere/Pigments etc is hugely popular for sound designers, including a lot of elektron users… and Waldorf and Third Wave seem to have opened that market up to hardware more…

At the same time Elektron have also dipped their toes into physical modeling before with Machinedrum, and since then the Mutable algos have become hugely popular. It is a natural fit for drum sounds, and they are a drum machine company at the end of the day. SY Toy is a great new addition on this front, and it would seem like a popular move to add more Physical Modeling…

I would be really happy if they used Syntakt as a platform for adding both of these and others instead of releasing new products for every synthesis type. To me, there’s no reason we should have to collect more than a couple digis in order to get a wide range of sound design in Elektron imo… That was always the beauty of MD and MnM and that is the beauty of Syntakt’s kitchen sink approach to me - not locked into anything