The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread ?!


Elektron Pipe Dream confirmed!




Yeah Yamaha and roland released theirs back in the day but both sounded kinda saxy
Soma’s was better but elektron could drop something altogether more interesting and nasty
Someone correct me if I am wrong as 90s wind instruments were not my thing
Alot of the Jazz fusion guys used the Akai EWI

Im curious if there is a connection between this ‘very different’ development, and the recent synthfluencer OT trend


That’s been on my mind, too. I just sold my Octatrack, because I haven’t been using it lately and because I’m hoping and dreaming for that mkIIi. Don’t burst my bubble. Let a boy dream.

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A flagship workstation synth with an analog four, rytm, digitone, and digitakt all in the same unit

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OT isn’t “very different” BUT


Send me send me! I think I’ve blown my cover, though. Ricky T seems like a guy that can keep a secret, so good luck on this mission. It didn’t sound like the new product is imminent-- wouldn’t expect to see it soon.


Here’s my guess

4 Track Mixer/Soundcard
Combination between
a Model 1 DJ mixer
Godfather effects box
and the sample/loops of half an OctaTrack

4x stereo fx mixer with sequencer
4x Rotary volume
2x Phono connection
8 1/4” in
8 1/4” out
2 XLR in/mic pre’s
2 XLR out
USB overbridge
Analog compressor+saturation


Ok so I was thinking about this, as I’m sure we all do on a regular basis, and I’m starting to lean towards something that works well with the Octatrack. I’m not 100% sure what - could be many thigns already mentioned - but if you want to release something that works with a product then you want to get that product in as many peoples hands as possible.

Given that big FW updates aren’t that likely, maybe there’s some kind of hardware companion in the works.


My 2 cents, it’s going to be an Overbridge based DAW, with possible HW Mixer, maybe a mixer with a sequencer. That will make the OT people even more mad.

I think it’d have to be its own thing, I doubt Elektron would release something that was expensive but also required a previous box for proper functionality.

As far as my experience with product lines go on the back end, accessories were a loss leader for the main product.

An elektron take on a bluebox, 6 stereo channels in a models format, with sequencer for mix/filters/fx and real-time audio mangling would be nice.


Wait isnt that just a sextatrack?


Yea you might be right there, although there’s nothing to say it’s expensive.

An ‘ecosystem’ device probably makes the most sense, i.e. mixer/hub type doodad - maybe even controller.

Maybe at the milder end of my speculation owning an OT makes this device a ‘must have’

Cuckoo just posted this


Not big enough to be an Elektron

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Conspicuously next to a Digitone.

I must analyse this image closely, I will return before sun-up.


It certainly has a lot of connections on the back, usable connections apparently.

Soon-to-be-announced, like this week at Synthplex ?

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