The One That Got Away

I could have done the same. May i ask why you sold it? Was it something that you didn’t like about it or was it because of the money or the space?
(I never played one and don’t know if it would be suitable for my music. So i don’t blame you.)

I for myself should have maybe kept the Juno Alpha 1 (meaty basses) and the Sherman Restyler (beautifully liquid filter). Maybe the Oto Biscuit (because Biscuit:). But on the other hand there was always something about every thing i sold that kept me from using it a lot in my music. So no real regrets.


The band split up. And i hung onto it for a while. And then life took over and idropped out of the music scene mid eighties altogether. I had no space in my new apartment so sold it in a Music magazine advertising section. But i took a loss😡


If it’s any consolation I’m about to enjoy a delicious dinner.


Youve made me a very happy man :slight_smile:


In the end it’s all just material stuff but i feel you. Cool that you still make music. F that big old box! :slight_smile:


Cheers. Absolutely. If we regret all our decisions we stagnate. Its a journey not a destination :slightly_smiling_face:


TB-303 - sold needed money
Sequential Pro One - sold needed money
TB-303 - sold needed money
Jen Synx508 - sold needed money
Minimoog - swapped for Korg Prophecy
Oscar - swapped for MPC
Roland MC-4b - sold needed money
Roland TR-808 - sold needed money
Roland TR-909 - sold needed money
MPC3000LE - sold needed money
Sidstation - sold needed money
SFX6 - sold needed money
MDUWmk2+ - sold needed money
SFX60mk2 - sold needed money
FR777 - sold needed money
Alesis Andromeda - swapped for V-Synth XT
V Synth XT - sold needed money

Probably some I’m forgetting including lots of fx units.

All of these would be worth far more than what I got for them, ranging from 3x to 100x. I’ve a knack for selling at the wrong time :laughing: but it does not trouble me as I’m not overly money focussed, I don’t buy gear as investments and I had my fun with them.


Oof, being a one time owner of the Prophecy I feel your pain


Yeah not the best trade, I wanted a midi synth and it had not been out long, but I did the trade by post with a dealer, the mini needed a bit of work, nothing major but was out of my experience level at the time.

I sold the Prophecy for about £350 a year later :laughing:

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Moog Opus 3
Fender Bassman 10
Gretch Bass
2x Orange TH100 with cabs (traded one amp for my OT, no regrets)
Black Ibanez Tallman
Candy sparkle red Japanese Jaguar with matching headstock
Zvex Fuzzfactory with footplate
Ashly MX508
Rane MP25

I’ll probably never get any of these again.
I wouldn’t mind having the Rane mixer again, but I’m happy where I ended up.

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In the end, they all get away don’t they.


I don’t think I’ve regretted any sales enough to buy something again, except for the SP404 which I still later sold.

I may end up regretting selling some things I’ve just listed, but I don’t think I’ll really know for sure until they’re gone.

Edit: didn’t realize this post was so old.

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Hay I’m old too!

The only piece of gear I’ve had in this new era (for me) of electronic music making that gives a slight twinge of GAS every time I think of it is the Polyend Tracker. I really did dig that thing despite a couple of flaws that were always in my face. I get over this GAS by telling myself that I have Renoise and should just use it more.

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It was 1993: I couldn’t afford a complete Roland System-100 with sequencer, mixer, speakers, the lot. It was €260…… I ended up with an MS-10 for €140. Earlier that year I bought my first synth, OSCar, for €150. Still have it :slight_smile:


It was the summer of 1995, her name was Stacy. She was moving to Florida the next day so she mustered the courage to tell me she had a crush on me and wanted to hang out one time before she left forever. We spent all day together, holding hands, laughing, walking the streets of our home town. At some point in the evening, swinging on a porch swing watching the sunset, we had a heavy make out session. I was too young to know what to even do but I was 14 and in love. She had to be home for curfew so we parted ways and I ended up sleeping beneath an abandoned trailer in a large inner tube tire. I never saw her again.


I guess I’d have to say Monomachine, because I re-purchased it at a stupid price.

also the MaxiKorg DV800. sold about five years ago, for WAY less than they go for these days. mainly because it lacked midi or even cv/gate and I lacked the skills/resources to have either of those conversion done. the good news is I eventually got a miniKorg 700FS (with cv/gate, midi and USB!) which is half a MaxiKorg. so again… missed it enough to buy it again. it can’t do everything the MaxiKorg can of course, but it’s still incredible.

another would be the Roland Jupiter 4. I love it so much but mine was temperamental, lacked midi, and had various functional issues that made it fairly unreliable. I got a decent return on it (but not as much as good ones go for now) and it went to someone who knows how to fix it. three years later, he still says he has the hood up a lot, to work on it. so it was a wise decision, but I still miss it. would consider buying a good one again, at the right price.


I’ve kept most of my best ancient gear. In the late 90s I was obsessed with gear but had no money. I had to turn down an EMS Polysynth for £500. To be fair they’re beautiful but huge, space is stupidly expensive in the UK, and I’m not sure they sound that great.

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Tbf I think the doldrum times for synth lovers were about 2005-2010, when modern analogue was much less of a thing (and costly) and old analogue was stupid prices. Now old analogue is priced at ludicrous levels, but you can buy modern so cheaply, eg a microbrute second hand for £150. I guess in the 90s you could buy maybe an sh3a for that (old but honestly bland), a powertran transcendent (of uncertain DIY quality) but you couldn’t buy something good like an ms20. And allowing for inflation £150 today would be much more then.

Ok I’m having a sudden moment of insight into what an old fart I have become. Time, it passes so fast, old fartness will come to us all, so quickly.

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BLUE Anniversary Edition Monomachine
RED Anniversary Edition Machinedrum

Had both and sold them like a doofus.
Regret it everyday.

Also a Fender Rhodes 88 Key Suitcase piano. Doesn’t hurt as bad, since I sold it to get a rare Wurlitzer 112, which sounds delightful.

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I used to own a Roland D-50, JD-800 and JP-8000 until 2000. With the recent boutique editions (D05, JD08), I was tempted (portability) despite a Kronos and a Kurzweil still in my setup. Since I’ve got a Prophet, I do not look back at all. I’ve got enough gear for now, that is until I sell my K2600r.

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