The One That Got Away

Poly evolver. Traded for an Analog Keys +$200 (this was based on the new price of the analog keys at the time being like $1699). Stupid stupid stupid.

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About 6 years ago I was in a local music shop, and they had a vintage Prophet 5, in good shape and good working order. They wanted $3200 for it, which was a decent price at the time. It didnā€™t last long. A couple of years later I decided it was time to get one, but in that time the prices had doubled. It wasnā€™t the one that got away, but the one that I never had. The massive jump in vintage synths in recent years have been crazy. Itā€™s wild to see what people will pay for a Juno now.


Youā€™d be better off with a Rev 4.


Certainly. Sounds great and no maintenance issues.


Emu E5000 Ultra sampler. Got it free in 2017 from the university I was teaching at (they were throwing it away). I mainly played guitar at the time and didnā€™t even have a MIDI keyboard to trigger it with. A year later I had to move house and gave it to a friend. I eventually realised what I had done and tried to get it back but the guy said no.


I have parted with a machinedrum AND a monomachine. Still not entirely sure what got into me at the time, but I sorely regret it now. The MM was sold quite cheaply as well, before the crazy price hikes.


Theyā€™re relatively cheap in the used market here in Europe, 200-300 Euros should buy you one.


Really crazy. I paid an eighth of weed each for the SH101 and Arp Solus mentioned in the opening post in 1995. Iā€™d keep the 101 but for the prices they go for Iā€™d love to be able to sell that ARP now!


Unfortunately Iā€™m in New Zealand ^___^
So I would probably have to spend more like 5-600 Euro, if I could find one.

But really I just feel dumb for giving it away, rather than actually wanting to have one now. If that makes sense.

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Wow, thatā€™s the best SH-101 trade Iā€™ve ever heard of! I remember about 7 years ago a friend offered me a red one for $350, and I was like, nah, too steep. Now they go for like 5 times that, haha.


sold shitloads of stuffā€¦

wish I kept the A4 :frowning:

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@HoldMyBeer I sold that dang 101 for $100 :man_facepalming:

Canā€™t remember what I got for the ARP but it was definitely something dumb like that.

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Dang. Well, those SH-101ā€™s were practically given away for so long. I swear I saw a promotion one time at a gas station for a free 101 with a fill-up of gas. It may have been a dream.

Had we all known, we all would have stocked up when they were being given away and enjoying reitirement now!


With time comes negative memory loss: there was certainly a very good reason why you had decided to give it away in the past :cool:


2-3 years ago I passed on a $600 monomachine


Korg MS2000. The first synth I bought, together with monitors, a new pc, Behringer BCR2000 and a 49 keys midi keyboard from the first money I earned at a shitty burger flipping job (6ā‚¬/hour) on the weekends (still went to school). The MS2000 was 300ā‚¬ on ebay, looked brand new. Huge, gorgeous looking keyboard synth. Around that time I seriously got into doing more and more drugs. Not long until I had sold my MS2000 (didnā€™t even had the time to learn how to use it, lol) for 300 again, sold all sorts of other stuff, the monitors were stolen from my flat (probably by someone I knew), lived without a door for two months and by that time, the Korg MS2000 had doubled in value.
Idkā€¦something inside me wants it backā€¦

Btw, I still have the Behringer BCR2000 and the M-Audio keyboard, both still work!

Yeah, me, too. MD and MM were both around 650-750ā‚¬ at that time (when was that, five years ago?) Didnā€™t have the money, though and by the time I had saved up some, they were already north of 1K.
Iā€™m happy with OT, AR and AK, though. Not chasing the silver boxesā€¦


ASR-10 for 200 used in good condition. I thought I can keep buying them at that price forever. I think the same guitar center had the ASR-X regular edition for 70 dollars. I wasnā€™t making money back then. I should have jumped and got both. Circa 2009


Saw Heston Blumenthal on Room 101 last night and he put in ā€œFood that doesnā€™t taste as good as we remember itā€

Iā€™ve revisited some gear that I got a little bit nostalgic about then remembered why I sold them. Iā€™ve also hung onto gear that iā€™m sentimental about (first keyboard, first sampler etc) that I know iā€™ll never use again.

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ha! ā€žgot awayā€œ :tongue:

back in my 20s typical music producer here in ex-USSR only could afford a computer with cracked software.

my 30s were the era of DAWs and VSTs, when dedicated gear seemed to be just unnecessary and obsolete.

so i started getting gear only in my 40s, and nothing gets away from me. at least because itā€™s eventually going to be even more expensive, so why pay moar?