The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

We need so many more LFOs. The machines on this guy scream for more modulation!


Iā€™m actually not even keen on the analog hihats/cymbals. But of course thatā€™s because my style of music is incompatible with them. However, I have other nice uses for track 12 :slight_smile:


Cowbell? :crazy_face:

:stuck_out_tongue: stuff like that ā€¦ especially the last sound, like an old printer. love it :stuck_out_tongue:


UPDATE: Just found out copying the FX track to another pattern is possible by pressing TRACK + REC while the FX track is selected. I had sort of mistakenly thought of the FX track as a page as opposed to treating it like any other track (1-12). (i.e. I thought pressing FX + REC would copy it like a page)

Thanks to Patrik of the service team!


ā€¦audition/pre listen/picking from soundbrowser banks MUST be linked to the actual track machine and the keyboard mode in a very near future updateā€¦
function plus yes as the only option to audition/pick/choose next new sonic cherries is not 21st century at allā€¦
and does not match with the overall sonic beauty and smart funtionality of this instrumentā€¦

i can wait a little longer for the vowel machineā€¦and stuffā€¦
but being not able to play different sounds on the fly, canā€™t make a truu choice which sound in the banks might also work out, kills a big advantage in smooth realtime workflow/writing processā€¦


The new Firmware 1.01 allows you to scroll through sounds and use keyboard mode to audition them. No need to use FUNC+YES now.

Sorry if this isnā€™t what you meant.


ā€¦thanx for letting me knowā€¦so, itā€™s time to updateā€¦thought i could skip the first one or two updates since this very first syntakt firmware was pretty solid already for a point zero versionā€¦
until i wanted to harvest from the presets yesterday night for the first timeā€¦
until then i was always screwing my own sounds since all these machines are so fast to handle while superversatile and mosteffective anywaysā€¦

canā€™t wait for more to comeā€¦ :wink:

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Hereā€™s my only actual critique about the Syntakt, and itā€™s actually a big ā€œwhy???ā€.

Why are there almost no SQUARE WAVES in the machines?

The whole joy of synths like DFAM and Bass Station II are the square waves.

And even if a sound is a bit too bright, we can turn down the filter.

So itā€™s a bit confusing that SY BITS continues to be my go-to machine for all kinds of sounds. It even does hihats that are brighter and less grating (and what are 808 and 606 hihats? square waves!). My actual solution to the ā€œhihat problemā€ is now to layer a hihat (for example, alloy) with one of my SY BITS hihats ā€¦


Rytm also strangely excludes square waves outside of the CB engine. Considering how important they are to synthesizing percussion, its an incredibly confusing choice


I too am confused and disappointed by the lack of square / pulse waves. Your mention of RYTM was a good tipā€” No square wave? ā€”this discussion on RYTM has some interesting speculation on why itā€™s missing, and some good tips about getting ā€œsquarishā€ shapes out of the ring mod settings, though I doubt pulse-width modulation can be wrung out of itā€¦


Not sure if itā€™s been mentioned, but for the chord machine to have some movement and not feel same-y throughout its use in future music, I feel there should be a parameter that sort of ā€œarpeggiatesā€ the notes, like what happens when playing a real keyboard.

No matter how hard someone tries there will always be slight variation to when each note hits, even if microscopic. Right now every note hits at the same time regardless of envelope.

It could be a single parameter, like the inversion parameter. The slowest setting could be an extremely fast arp playing one pass, while the highest value could be so fast itā€™s only a subtle time variance as to when each note plays.

It has chords and inversions, now give a parameter for spontaneous individual note timing.


That could be really interesting: from a stacked chord, to a strum, to arp (and possibly beyond, whatever that might look like)


ā€œarpeggiatesā€ the notes

like this?


Arp and Portamentoā€¦
Come on Elektron, these arenĀ“t even features, this is basic stuff for a groovebox with melodic partsā€¦


LFO is your friend :smiley:

Keystep 37 has what youā€™re describing. Works well with the Syntakt

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Portamento must be the most common forgotten feature on Elektron boxes. Even the Digitone had no portamento in its first versions. Iā€™m glad it has now, itā€™s pretty essential to groovy 303-like basslines :slight_smile:

You can still do the trick with LFOs thoughā€¦ not straight-forward but still possible.


Yes like that, just anything other than the sort of all notes at once which is how I usually hear it. I suppose in my head it sounded slightly different as I forgot the nature of it not being ā€œpolyphonicā€. Perhaps with certain envelope parameters and reverb it would sound a little more like I imagined.

Will have to see where this can goā€¦

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My little example was done this way:

LFO 1 -> Filter (for string-like decay)
LFO 2 -> Sy Chord Balance (for the strumming)
