The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Control All Locks - Being able to select which tracks will be affected by Control All and which don’t. This would also work on DT and DN. Possibly some sort of button combo and utilizes the track buttons in a similar way to how mutes work. Or, I could even see this being a screen in the settings menu with an ON/OFF selection for each track.


user wavetables for the digital machines


+1 UW machine – stunt this all you like to prevent it from competing with digitakt or octa, but please let us throw a hi hat sample in!
+1 Control “some” instead of control all – using a button combo with the trig buttons to select which tracks get controlled.
+1. Pattern chain save.
+1 Instant pattern jump.
+1 Parameter slides or glides - why did they take this from us. This is the sophie sound that so many people have gotten into elektron for. just doesn’t make sense.
+1 assignable arpeggiator - see previous


Slide /Glide function

Sending fill command to other Elektron gear via Midi / sysex.
When a machine like digitakt is the midi master and you press fill then all other Elektron machines witch get the clock from the master must then recive this fill command and also play the fill. This must be switchable in the system on and off function. O need this on digitone, digitakt, syntakt and analog rythm mk2 :slight_smile:


I’m very happy with the Syntakt so far, and this request is not so much a Syntakt-only request, but general Elektron, as most machines (I have at least), have the “Randomize Page” feature.

It’d be great if you could lock some of the parameters to not be affected by the randomize feature, just like the “Tone” parameter is not affected by the randomize feature. Sometimes I don’t want it to touch the “Decay” or “Overdrive” values for example, but randomize the other values.


Tensor (iOS) does that for M:C and M:S. You could try twisting the authors arm to do the same for Syntakt :slight_smile:


There are a lot innovative features proposed in this thread some of which I really like

While reading them I also start posing a question: is Elektron still innovating in 2022?

Syntakt does not suggest so, but I might be wrong

I did submit this feature request a couple of years ago. Seems like it would be hard to achieve.


I don’t know if this would be possible technically, but I would like all 4 analog tracks to be exactly the same, and would be able to run any of the analog machines in Tracks 9 to 12, not allowing Track 12 to ONLY use HH machines (no SY, no BD, no SN,…) and not allowing Tracks 9, 10 and 11 to use the HH machines.

It’s a physical limitation. This is just how analog drum machines work. The circuits and components that make up a kick are different than that of a cymbal.


Come on elektron, get out of your comfort zone:

  • human clap, slap, finger click and knock machine
  • tambourine, shakers. maraca machine
  • bell / chimes / gong / xylophone / glockenspiel / marimba / mbira machine
  • metal / triangle / clang machine
  • percussion machine (even sample based) - marachas, guiro., cabasa, castanet, claves, cuica, ganza, udu machine
  • exotic drum machine (even sample based) - djembe, dundun, taiko, bodhran, timbal machine
  • pluck / string/ elastic band machine
  • scratch machine
  • blow machine
  • strike machine (wood, tile, plastic, rock. earth)

All of the above with Euclidian/stochastic synth internal roll/fill parameters for length

We need broad adventurous and imaginative tools to make new music variants nobody’s heard before
Snares, hats and Kicks are overdone.


Pretty sure this is illegal (and would be quite expensive anyway)


:rofl: :rofl:

I was thinking more so to have such (digital approximation) percussion synth machines but do unconventional things within their range of parameters… that’s what made the machinedrum legend, let alone 808 etc


OK, thanks. I was sadly waiting for this kind of answer.

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I think they are and the innovation is slowly revealed with each new example in the Syntakt standalone music thread.

Syntakt doesn’t have ground breaking new ways of making music (although some of the new UI elements are really nice) but the fact that there is so much “best of elektron has to offer” packed in such a small device is not seen yet in any other device.

FM synth? It’s there. Analog synth? It’s there. Digital and analog drums? Chords? Noise generator? Analog filter and overdrive? Digital FX? Routable FX? Sequenceable FX? LFO’s? MIDI sequencer? USB interface? Audio in? It’s ALL there. And it really sounds fantastic to my ears. All combined: I find this pretty innovative!

On topic: Master Compressor.


I’d agree those things would make a more complete drum machine.
Last week there was something posted that looked like they would be selling additional machines. If they do this, idk how I’ll feel about it. Probably disappointed.

However, I have a smidgen of hope that the free track they have (13, 14?) will be used for a UW track or sample track so that we can add our own sounds. It may only be a few seconds worth of storage but would be better than nothing and will satisfy those who are looking for additional sounds

True of all of the Digis:

Sequencer per track playback direction

Start / end steps (being able to start a sequence on step 9 and end on step 14 for example)

LFO controls on seq direction and start/ end.

Sequence step hold (be able to hold or skip on a step for a number of measures independent to sequence length - see Metropolis/ Vector / USTA)


A digital noise Generator would bei cool…


First few hours with it, and I can’t complain about much for something that was released a few days ago. We all know it will improve with FW updates.

I’d like to see an analog clap machine.
More options for the analog fx -options for different types of drive, and a compressor/limiter.

Don’t add song mode, I like reading the ridiculous amount of song mode requests. If you want song/arranger mode, get an A4 or OT, or send program change from a DAW.