The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

somebody is going to make a button & screen teensy program change manager for the takts … not a difficult project

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That would eat into the trig modifiers, though ?

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If i understood the modify page right, only one parameter could be modified. I wish it like the a4 to controll multiple parameters an once including the modulation depht. Not only on off massages.

Edit: And the Wet value of insertet tracks in analg fx block.

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You mean like this ? RK-007 MIDI Commander - Retrokits

The sy bits engine can provide digital noise.


Plaits Machines


8 instances of plaits in the syntakt would be ridiculously powerful.



A headphone output equalizer would be cool, also an extra master output EQ.

Interesting - I meant more like a standalone Octatrack arranger screen in a box with some buttons and midi IOT

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If it is possible, a useful thing :

On the “TRIG” page to the right of “filter trig on/off” ,
add “DUCK on/off” (AMP2 FX) .

That way you can use the effects of “analog FX” without ducking if you want
(mainly useful for the kick)

Any setting applied to the VCA will apply to all tracks routed through the AFX, so if you want AFX drive, you’d have to avoid any ducking where your kick is or the kick will duck too

if you have ducking on trigs where your kick falls, then use a plock on teh kick track to unroute it from the AFX, but then you’ll loose your analog drive

if i read your request from the linked thread correctly, then I think it’s not going to be possible to pick and choose which parts of the AFX track and applied to specific tracks, it’ll be all (certainly as it’s implemented right now anyway) as mentioned in other thread, the overdrive on BD track is closest workaround for now


Turn up the feedback on the tone machine and you get lots of nice sandy digital noise.


A dedicated Reverb for the Drums only.


DietyWave M8 is exactly that + several more SoundSources

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Not quite, it’s braids, as far as I know, which is also very nice. I ordered the m8 earlier this year and will hopefully get it in July.
Still, I wouldn’t mind also having plaits ported to the ST.

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You could use bits for this.

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Ah, that would be so sick! I guess super short delay might be a decent work around, but obvs uses that effect up so a second reverb send would be incredible - can’t think of any grooveboxes that have that - would be a great production tool

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I’d love a way to quickly ‘reload from project’. Like FUNC+double NO ? Or a global option to toggle between two behaviors for FUNC+YES / FUNC+NO :

  1. the current one : save temp / recall temp . ‘reload from project’ is accessed via menu diving.
  2. the inverted one : save temp / ‘reload from project’. ‘recall temp’ would be accessed via menu diving.

Why that ? To avoid accidentally saving temp instead of recalling the pattern.

I’d also wish an option for the pattern to be automatically reloaded from project when triggered.
Rytm has this option to recall original kits automatically when triggering a pattern, and it was making a lot of sense to me.


LFO to Velocity mod and/or Modwheel on audio tracks.
Since these can each have 4 destinations, that would open a single LFO up to 4 simultaneous destinations.