The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

If we can’t have true polyphony (beyond the Chords machine): I’m wondering why there’s not at least a mode for the Chords machine that allows overlapping voices, so that monophonic lines with longer sustains would not cut off each following note.


I suspect it isnt possible, but it would be cool if the analog FX block could have seperate routings for filter and overdrive and amp. I.e track 10 gets only distortion but no filtering.

The syntakt oozes when the analog fx are turned on.


Another vote for song mode. If it is ever implemented, which I doubt based on prior DN and DT feedback, the Syntakt will be elevate to an insta-purchase for me.


I think I have seen a mono setting for the inputs somewhere, it’s already there.

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Check SY BITS: there is a noise generator there.

Edit as @Python said already :sweat_smile:


Page : Settings / Audio routing

But the 2 monos share the same reverb and delay…
In the latest Digitone/Digitakt update, the 2 monos each have their own effects

That’s it. Yes, OK, I see what you mean.
One would additionally want an option to toggle “send to AFX” I guess.

Overall I think Elektron went for the right amount of new and existing features, to output a solid machine with as little bugs as possible. And IMO succeeded.
There are room for improvement for sure, but as is the box could keep the same functionalities with a few bug fixes and I’ll be OK with this, tbh.


I don´t have my ST yet, but:
+1 on slides
+1 on mastercompressor ( there is really nonne ? thats surprising / i automaticly expected that there is one )


Know it been said a million times but here goes: Songmode

Will be a 100% buy if this is added. (same goes for the Digitone and Digitakt)

Edit: Even better would be a dedicated mixer that included some kind of a songmode.


Might be nice to see the new graphics animate when has an lfo sent to them to see the movement


In the mixer page, a encoder press should mute/unmute the track.
Volume groups and configurable fades to track volume would be cool.


I’ve been confused by the synth page decay param.

Most machines have it, and as far as I understand is just another amp envelope and it has no interactions with the envelope on the amp page, so maybe others could help clarify this, but is there any benefit of having both?

It would be nice if there would be a single source of truth for the amp envelope, and also either an another macro could be exposed instead of decay, or the amp envelope could be reassigned to control another parameter.


Yeah I thought the same. In some instrument it seems just a useless duplicated control.
However this is not true for all instruments. Some that use FM and the snare (off the top of my head)
Use the Decay to change the amp envelope of only 1 of 2 elements not the whole amp. For example in snare it would control the OSC level envelope but not noise. So in these cases it is very useful.

Another things worth pointing out is that when the amp envelope is in ADSR mode, the decay parameter sometimes becomes a release parameter.

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I do not know if it would be technical possible.
But what if Elektron developes a machine creator tool for the Syntakt.
So the user is able to create their own synth/drum machines and upload them into the Syntakt.


I would LOVE this. I reckon I could make some great machines too. We could share them as a community thing OR upload to Elektron for approval and they could add the best ones to firmware updates.

I would like a second destination (and depth) for the LFOs and also the filter envelope.

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Brilliant idea, in the genre of “Flowstone” software … but unlikely to happen

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I would prefer the freedom to choose your own machines, but sharing within the community would be fun. Also it would take Elektron to another level. Their regular updates are awesome, like the ones on the DT just a while back. But what if the user can participate a bit, it would make their boxes even more attractive.


Bit of a nitpick request: On the Rytm, when turning off midi channels, you could just hold down left, wait until it says “OFF” and then press down arrow while still holding down left, and it’ll retain the “fast” speed as before you moved down. So to turn off all midi channels, you could just hold down left, and press down a couple of times. Fast and easy :slight_smile:

On the Syntakt however, it doesn’t work the same way, so you’ll need to continuously switch between pressing down/holding left, lift left and repeat for all channels.

Again, minor nitpick that just makes it faster to setup initial projects together with the Octatrack (to prevent the level knob of tracks on the Octatrack to change some parameters on the Syntakt).

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Sample playback machine. At least a bare bones one so it doesn’t canibalize Digitakt.