The Synth(s) you dont use / play

Got the Sh101 for a bargain! … havent touched it in a while …
got 2x Yamaha CS01 (mk i) … havent touched them in a while
got the AR … dislike touching her for a while

got the A4 touch her all the time, thining of getting 2 A4, one a a drum machine)

sold the PolySix, Sold the BSII, sold the MM, Sold the MD, traded the OT …
thinking of half way opening the modualr abyss with the mother 32.
love presets, love midi, love plocks, love small boxes.

long story short:

What do you do with the Synth(s) you dont play?
What do you do with the Synth(s) you dont play?

What do you do with the Synth(s) you dont play?

Sell. Spend the money on other forms of gratification.

lol had to erase the novel I wrote because I realized that I wasn’t answering the question asked by OP. I was just telling a story (I like telling stories).

Answer: Sell them unless either A) you have lots of extra $$ and just want to collect awesome synths or B) you have emotional attachment to them.

Tools that are sitting unused in one persons arsenal could be maybe used by someone else to create something amazing!!

PS: someone sell me their Monomachine I’m far away in Canada where good synths are pricey and rare heh

I look at them, occasionally pat them and then cover them up again. And then I walk away feeling guilty. After a while they get packed away in a cupboard until the shame goes away. And then I try to sell them.

Although sometimes that last step just starts the cycle again…

Ha. Exact opposite. I have given up on my A4. Despite many false starts, I think I am finally bonding with my AR.

I would love an SH101. Wish I lived near you and we could trade!

Recently I sold all the old and little boxes I didn’t use no more.

I kept only few old synths

waldorf pulse plus (because his value is so low that it’s a shame to sell such triple good oscillators) and

Korg MS 2000, because I really like its “all function on the board” and it’s old style sequencer.

Now, I know that I prefer to focus on few efficient pieces of hardware. But, I think that many synth permit to have different sound colors. So keep them in a corner of the studio can sometimes refresh the pleasure, and rediscover them limit the gas syndrome.

keep those babies hanging around for the odd inspiration to strike every now and then. I get too attached to most of my boxes to let em go. Which is why I also prefer not to buy large form factor instruments on a whim :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve been meaning to downsize a coupla items tho (ie. swap things to rack models etc)… like my cz5000, been thinking about swapping it to a cz101.

Yea, me too… Recall plus flexibility makes for productive working configurations

Sold the MM, Sold the MD, traded the OT …

But, ummmm, those all had the things you love. :zonked:

thinking of half way opening the modualr abyss with the mother 32.

This doesn’t make any god damn sense.

This its the best way!

I recently sold many of my synths did not use .
JD800 , JV1080 , Juno 106, R8 and R8MKII , SCSI ProOne , MS10 and SQ10 , Shruthi , microQ , SU700 , Euromodular planned and some more …

As Trabant , in the end I focused on a few machines but with whom I feel very comfortable . Everyday use more hardware and less software .
The machines on which I focused are Octa , A4, MNM , MD . Access Virus Kb , Blofeld , Korg Prophety (mainly as a master keyboard ), MS20mini, and several Eventide pedals .

I trade up, but only after they are REALLY REALLY not used anymore.
Sold a Yamaha CS60 once to ease a pinch I was in. Regret it everyday I play a synth.
I have a hard time parting with anything now.

Down grade imo.
CZ5000 is a super rad buffet for OT.
My favorite of the shitty preset beasts of yesteryear.

Yea, me too… Recall plus flexibility makes for productive working configurations

Sold the MM, Sold the MD, traded the OT …

But, ummmm, those all had the things you love. :zonked:

thinking of half way opening the modualr abyss with the mother 32.

This doesn’t make any god damn sense.[/quote]
I would agree with AdamJay.
Modular is great but you won’t have preset, plocks and it will be most likely bigger than a small box.

I sold my modular because I missed all that.
Modular is very attractive because you have so many option, in a fun, colorful and playful format…but you lose all the modern convenience.
Not trying to discourage you. Just warn you.

took the Sh101 out / took the protective cloth off of her …
messes around with the arp sync via A4 track sync PLUS the A4 arp for off beat variations … oh boy what was I thinking…
also plugged my dt770 in, (sold the yamaha hs8 while back) …what a sound… chorus rev delay via A4 is … insert sexual comment here
what was I thinking? …
next thing is getting batteries for the SH … 1 cable less, plus a quick couch session with headphones ftw!
took her off ebay …

Down grade imo.
CZ5000 is a super rad buffet for OT.
My favorite of the shitty preset beasts of yesteryear.[/quote]
cz5000 is nice, but the 101 has the same architechture, and AFAIH the same sound. But a preset machine? naww man, you can make killer patches with it! I use a virtual cz to sketch patch ideas, then transfer those to the real HW with an iPad CZ editor.
To my ears, the CZ has a unique tone (which is only apparent when abusing the synthesis engine to its limits tho)

For me instruments in general are like good old friends. If I have used them for some time, I end up with some personal connection. It would be very hard, to sell one of them, and I hope that I never have to do. Not to play them, makes me feel guilty, but the idea to part with one, is much harder to bear.

Over the time I have found some reason to stick with them from an almost rational point of few. Well, to be honest, I am happy about this, because it feels much better to have some reason too at last, than having an emotional point only.

I have made a very interesting experience with my unused synths. Sometimes a sound patch or musical idea that was created on one of the synths in use, leaps over to one of the less used instruments - with astonishing new insights and outcomes. It seems that the discontinuity has allowed old habits to slip away and opened up some space for new ideas. Sometimes it’s like a discovery that I should have made long time ago. And that’s my point, better late then never … :wink:

Man, what a weird way to treat friends !!

Man, what a weird way to treat friends !!
:confused: …lol!!!

Smart move. I think a fairly complex synth like the A4 pairs well with something fairly simple and all-on-the-surface like the SH101. A4 for sequence, FX. Fun. The new A4 OS might have some more goodies too.
I was thinking about getting rid of my A4 and getting a SQ-1, but with the A4 OS, might have some of those classic sequencer features, plus who knows what else.
Sidenote - I’m constantly amazed at all the options these days in electronic music gear. Bad for my wallet though.

Man, what a weird way to treat friends !!
Well, from this perspective … I should reflect my attitude … :confused:

Down grade imo.
CZ5000 is a super rad buffet for OT.
My favorite of the shitty preset beasts of yesteryear.[/quote]
cz5000 is nice, but the 101 has the same architechture, and AFAIH the same sound. But a preset machine? naww man, you can make killer patches with it! I use a virtual cz to sketch patch ideas, then transfer those to the real HW with an iPad CZ editor.
To my ears, the CZ has a unique tone (which is only apparent when abusing the synthesis engine to its limits tho)[/quote]
Sorry, by presets machine I mean I put it in the same wave of products as DX7 etc. Not to say I dont love it, or that it is rigid in its limits. I use my CZ5000 heavily on my tracks, mostly for plucks and knocks.