(@Schnork meme)
No sound, no preview ?
Participative thread : The goal is to report and organize in first post all known reasons why a track, preview, inputs or everything is silent with OT.
No sound, no preview ?
Participative thread : The goal is to report and organize in first post all known reasons why a track, preview, inputs or everything is silent with OT.
@darenager (I also count on you to improve the title), @Schnork, @LyingDalai, @clancy, @Microtribe, @Merv…
I come back later…
There is only one answer.
User error.
Every time.
Did you plug in audio cables?
Is the mixer muted?
Are your monitors switched on?
“100 reasons why your Octatrack is silent - the answer will shock you!”
Good clickbait, maybe too long…
Reason number one: You haven’t internalized the manual.
Reason number two: You haven’t practiced enough
Reason number three: You still haven’t read the manual.
One that’s caught me out a few times:
…well…why can’t i hear anything !?..is always, was always and will be always the most asked question in all studios around the planet…
which gives only proof to the fact, the octatrack is indeed, some sort of ableton in a box, a music studio all on it’s own…and still, so much more, all at once…
Adjusting track volume while holding Func. This will (perhaps unintentionally) adjust your master gain positive or negative
Reloading parts without saving them
“Current sounds (not) coming from your gear”
More like 99 out of 100
There are numerous actual bugs that make things go quiet. Identifying them was my specialty when I had more time!
Not with my OT. And when I am I’ll be making noise while trying to keep my eyes open lol
If I get an unexpected few hours combined with an alert brain I will check it out.
Default settings aren’t silent but yes it can change Slot assignment…
During times of silence, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that Octatrack carried you.
Something in your setup has changed, and the default template you’re using is no longer compatible. Start a new project!
Always happens when a friend comes around and wants to see what everything on my desk is all about!!
Usually one of many things with me haha.
Cross fader not put back on Master Sampling Scene
Patchbay turned off
Apogee Turned off
Monitors Turned off
DAW track muted
I think going Dawless would help skip some steps on turning things on lol
I wonder if this kind of things should concern another more generalist thread, because it isn’t specific to OT.
Do you all think it should be also listed here ?