The Utimate Octatrack Silence Calling

Yeah very true! I should make a turn on list sticky note for my stupidity lol

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I once gave my cousin (with no knowledge of elektron devices or octatrack) the challenge of starting from a new project and trying to make it make any sound at all. I gave him some small hints but it took him around 30 minutes. Not bad I think.


Real-time sampling into a buffer while playing back said buffer on a Flex track, but the Pitch Parameter is + instead of 0 or less than 0


Having used the Octatrack for 12 years now (wow), I still have the occasional “Why is this silent?”. However now instead of frustration I have a reaction of near pride that I’ve found a new way to do something crazy on the Octatrack that leads to moments of confusion (ie. I thought I would have exhausted it years ago).

  1. Power Not Turned On
  2. Wearing Earplugs
  3. Don’t Have Octatrack

Another embarrassing 2 minute head-scratcher I’d stumbled upon a few months back.

Using the headphone out only:

  • Mixer: 100% cue
  • No tracks cued

Best part was opening and looking at a record buffer, SEEING the waveform being recorded from the track but being unable to hear it.



I noticed that connecting OT to my mac via USB changed some of the global settings and left me with no output and no encoder control… or at least I think that’s what happened. Took me a good while to find those settings and fix them.

You started a new project, insert a kick sample and placed trigs on 1 and 8 on 90 bpm, hit start and after kick one you entered the world of Eckhart Tolle and find yourself in a loop of the present between 2 trigs. Result: eternal silence

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I don’t get it…

I know it can cause Freeze, but I never heard about setting changes.

[quote=“sezare56, post:29, topic:190504”]
I don’t get it…

The essence of Eckart’s teachings is to be fully present in the “now” . I tried to achieve that state while making pattern based music and got stuck in the “now” between two kick sounds. The moment between those kicks are full of silence so OT doesn’t seem to make any sound In that hypothetical state of mind. :joy:. But I’ll admit my sense of humor can be a bit off and probably no one is gettin it


I once inadvertently switched a neighbour machine into a static machine, at soundcheck right before a gig.

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Left the crossfader to the right, when not performing the transition trick and playing looped silence. Live.


forgetting you have a string of neighbor tracks linked up n one of em is muted.

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Awesome idea! This should become a chapter in the manual… which requires people to actually rtfm… never mind, just leave it in the forum :sweat_smile:

Here is my face palm moment:

No trig on thru tracks.

(After checking ALL cables, rebooting OT multiple times, checking with headphones and finally reading the manual)


No trig on a thru track

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  • freeze delay send set to 0
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Is there a power cut?

Honored to see my meme here. Notice, hard work pays off. :grin:

Here are some I could think of:

Octatrack does not make any sound?

Project related:
Track mutes or soloed tracks
Cued tracks
Main/Cue out level set to -63 (Function+Level encoder adjusts main level)

Part related:
Track level
Amp volume
Too short amp hold (or too long amp attack)
Sample start is set to silence in the sample
Slice nr is set to a silent slice in the chain
Filter closed or Dj eq cut
Rate set to 0
LFO modulation active on parameters that can cut or filter sound
Scene active with amp volume, track level, amp envelope filter, eq or lfo depth
Master track level
Filter or EQ on master track
Sample slot selected with a silent sample or with no sample at all
Lock in delay setup set on and pass et to 0
Neighbour tracks

Pattern related:
P-locks on certain parameters (rate=0, amp vol, amp env, filter, etc.)
Trig conditions
Tracks are set to plays free
Thru machine not trigged

Audio Editor/Sample Attributes related:
Start points, slices set to silence
Sample cropped, selection to silence or gain down
Only left or right channel has audio, but track is panned left/righ (=silence is played)
Quantized trig not set to direct (manual triggering of sample is quantized)

Recorder buffer related:
Playback of recorder buffers: Pitch set so that playhead moves faster then record head
LFO modulation on pitch
Qrec (quantized manual recording)
Qpel (quantized manual playback of recorder buffers)

Menu settings related:
Midi -> Control -> Audio CC Out set to ext (local off, knobs send out midi cc, but don´t affect internal parameters)
Midi -> Control -> Audio Note Out set to ext (trigs will send out midi notes, but won´t trig machines)

Personalize menu related:
Cue mutes track set to on
Preview without fx not checked, filter or other effects can cut sound when previewing

Incoming midi CC on certain parameters


Thanks @Schnork !
I made a draft, but it is shorter than your list !

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You got anything I overlooked?

Btw, I thought about writing an Octatrack tutorial or a “useful stuff to know for OT users” document or maybe a beginners guide…haven’t decided, yet.

What are your plans?