The Utimate Octatrack Silence Calling

If we’re going for stuff outside of the OP’s situation, there are still a few…

Going by memory there’s :

making a change to the memory settings mutes all the static slots

There are still ways to populate a slot but have it end up in another place (even another machine) so you won’t be hearing it

Would have to be on OT to check these (and others) for sure though

Just tried that one again - still happens - every static shot is silent after changing anything in Control>Memory

Copying and pasting slots issue has been fixed at some point - post above edited to avoid confusion

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I tend to wear a baggy old jumper around the house, and the sleeves sometimes catch the scene fader on the OT when I reach past it. Because the fader is so incredibly smooth it goes over easy and I don’t notice a thing, that definitely caused me a headache a couple of weeks ago when I couldn’t hear anything because the B scene had something on it. I’m wise to that now though I think.

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A tip about hearing thru tracks that might be useful: You don’t have to place a trig on the sequencer, you can just hit the appropriate sample trig key to start monitoring the track.

So for example if you have a thru machine on track 5, you can hit trig 13 (trig mode set to tracks) when the OT is stopped and you’ll notice on the screen the little square stopped icon will change to a triangle indicating it’s now audible. If you double tap stop at some point it’ll stop all the machines and you’ll need to hit the trig again to hear the thru machine.

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track 5 button + Play does the same thing (good if not in tracks trig mode)


I didn’t check your list carefully, I won’t right now, but thanks again. I’d want to check every point with OT. I’m not at home and took Hydrasynth and…DT ! :rofl: Fresh updates gear.

I seriously doubt that.

Hi there. Any help appreciated. Here’s my tale.
Had it (OT Mk2) for a day. DEMO mode works fine. Working through the manual. Loaded card and set up presets. Sound coming out. Great. Today I tried to create my own set. Hooked up to USB/Comp. Loaded files. Changed to new project and set. No sound.
Received a Parse error when I went to re-load the preset files from the card. Went back to USB/Comp and deleted all the files/folders I had loaded.
Demo mode has sound.
Put card in to load presets. Loaded. No sound. Any ideas what I’ve hit? I’ve barely gone into anything deep. DAY 1 Is there a factory reset or is it likely the card?

No panic. Downloaded and reloaded the pack from the website. Works. (???)

Problems 1&2: There is no demo mode, there are no presets.

I don’t know what to say to that.

Nothing to say, really. I was just pointing it out. I couldn’t make sense of what you were trying to do.

I was trying to get the sound working. Sound heard in DEMO mode (which there is by the way) but not off of the card using the presets (which there are). I’ve fixed it now but still curious about what happened. Anyway…it’s done. Thanks.

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On the factory CF cards the default Set is named “Presets”.

Yeah, I thought that might be the source of his confusion. I blanked my CF card on day one, so I wasn’t sure. Is there also a project named “demo”?

There is.

Okay, you’ve just blown my mind. I’ve never turned it on without a card.

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Happened to my new Octatrack repeatedly, turned out I had a faulty CF card. Put in a support ticket with Elektron if it continues, they’ll help you out. Also be careful to eject in USB mode on your computer, then unplug USB.

When using OT as FX-box or looper or… with a THRU track:

  1. Forgot to press PLAY after initial start.
  2. Forgot to press PLAY after double pressed STOP.
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As @melisshki mentioned, there have been issues with cards (The first batch of „Octacard“ branded cf cards for example, IIRC).