Things you want to see

Octatrack mk3!

…And world peace, of course, I’m not a psycho! I don’t know which one we’re less likely to see.

That sounds pretty interesting. On that note, before the Syntakt dropped, I had heard rumors that Elektron was working on some wavetable synth, so I was imagining something like that Digitone, but wavetables and not FM – I would probably get one!

So maybe an Elektron wavetable box of some sort also falls under the category of “things I want to see”.


Bloodborne PC


Digitone Pro
Machinedrum & Monomachine MK3
Stranger Things season 4 vol 2


A Nord Drum 2 with individual outputs for all 6 channels

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What’s a Digitone Pro? I’m intrigued!

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Less division….and the fall of FB/Twit/Insta


:star_struck: It’s in my opinion a slightly bigger 16-32 voice 8 Track Digitone with a little more (drum machine) punch for drum sounds. Drum algorithms would be cool too. The high voice number is necessary for proper use of Unison.


I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to more tracks/voices! Although, sometimes I intentionally create patches and sequences to cause voice stealing – I really like how we have some control over voice stealing on the Digitone, especially when simultaneously using voice layers and ‘control all’ while voices are being stolen… It gets pretty wild!

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2038 is gonna be their year for sure.

Yes. Although one of my favourite things about that show is the sound design. The monster noises, the dissonant synth sounds, the 80’s synth pop…. It’s all such great ear candy!




Analog four mk3 with Roland SH series synth engine
Sonic Lab Special - Richard James Studio Tour
Winds of winter being released


Direct jump in :elot: and world peace

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What’s direct jump?

DIRECT JUMP immediately changes patterns. The new pattern will start playing from the position where the previous pattern left off.

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This showed up right after my partner finished her set at a festival! It was pretty amazing! <3


I know you can start patterns in different places with the arranger, but I guess that’s but quite the same. This is something you’d like to do live, yeah? I could see that being really useful.

Just started dipping my toes into the :elot: arranger but yeah, I’m after realtime pattern changes like that. It’s so fun in Ableton and the PE Tracker. It lends itself well to the music I like to create…

I’d like to see more castles.

here you go!



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