Things you want to see

A live show with Aphex Twin playing.

A remake or spiritual successor for the game Tokyo Xtreme Racer.

The Korg Drumlogue.

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I want to see more wizards appear, more frequently, and with less anxiety involved.
(Wizards being when you look at an inanimate object, like a light switch plate, or toilet seat screw assembly, or a fire hydrant, or anything really, and then THERE it is! A FACE looking back at you!)
Yes, more Wizards, please

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I guess it’s hard for me to type the words about what I really want to see into this publicly sanctioned government phonetap that I hold in my hand….but I assure you people, it’s beautiful

You just did. Smiley faces on things.
Or as you like to call them, wizards.

PS, the government cant tell there arse from their elbow, you really think they give a fuck what you write on the internet?

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not just me… its a whole thing. i only started calling them wizards after discovering a rather sober friend of mine following some other bulletein board that was all about Wizard postings.
or maybe it was all the acid.
either way, i dont care.
i want to see more faces in all things.,

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damn right

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Thats two people.
Its not a thing.

If you want to see more, look at the pictures you posted again.
Lay off the acids, too much makes you stupid.

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I’d love to see Elektron do a sort of combo delay reverb overdrive filter box thingy. Another in the sound processor series, like the Heat. Maybe a bunch of different modes, overdrive and filter. Basically a more extensive offering than what you usually get on the synth boxes. I would so love to see that

Sound waves.

C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.



Nah ive already seem them years ago. Shit theres Deckard. Got to fly. Byeeeee🫥

Elden Ring complete. Elektron Analog ‘Eight’ mk1. Curry for dinner tonight.

…I’m confident at least one will happen today.

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Gear that works properly, and that does not have daft limitations. Talking about things like note stealing, fx being cut when muting changing/patterns, inconsistent triggers/timing/sample playback. Not too much to ask, you’d think.

Also I’d like to see a (accurate) midi syncable multitrack recorder, with say 8 stereo tracks, bar/beat editing, good fx and eq, unlimited track length within reason, no touchscreen BS, faders for each track, 8 simultaneous recording from 8 stereo (or mono) inputs. The technology exists to easily make this possible, yet no one makes it.


Yes please.

Any reasonable manufacturer will not make something that give you everything.

It like a razor…they can make a blade that does not get dull, but that’s not that great for business :wink:

You want FX that ring out on pattern change….external FX. Do it old skool :slight_smile: