Thinking of going back in the box

Great three pack of videos from Barry Beats. I love his stuff. It sounds so legit and really inspires me to dig into the DAW.


nice, thanks for sharing

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This is fun too. Him playing his tunes for Diamond D!

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I do hear you and you make a valid point re the finer details of sound comparisons disappearing in the mix but effectively that’s also a matter of just how much a listener cares and I can tell you that I, as listener, do care and do pay attention to such details (and I’m certain I’m not alone with that). I’m of course not implying that I can tell the difference between eg a tube amp and a simulation in the mix, but I can tell whether it sounds good to me or not, and in music a bunch of small differences added up will make a much bigger difference than one would think. In other words, yes maybe an audience doesn’t quite care how it’s made (but even there, that’s not always true) but most audiences do care how it sounds, and as @Geneoart suggested with the DFAM, there’s hardware out there that hasn’t been modeled successfully to date (and of course the same goes the other way around also).

Lastly, we shouldn’t forget that even if the audience doesn’t care, the musician maybe cares and that can make a big difference to what comes out and how it comes out in the end. Me for example, I much prefer playing guitar through my AC30 than through one of the many software amps or modeling amps I own. It doesn’t sound better necessarily but it FEELS better to me.

I know a recording engineer that starts every session by jamming with his clients because he’s convinced that the vibe and energy in which a sound is recorded in transfers into the recording. So in a way, it makes sense for everyone to grab what gets them excited.


I am totally with you. As long as I do care how I make my music, it is okay for me what I do. But it is exactly that: it is me. If I want some boutique synth, it is all about me. It might have some magic for me, that inspires me, it might come with a sound that inspires me and by that at the end let’s me produce better music, but it is not the gear that makes the music, and neither does a boutique-synth make a bad song good, nor does it work the other way around.


Is itb the new otb? Everything old is new again.


make computers cool again post quarantine!


I’ve come a long ways from the Sonic Foundry Acid days. It’s worth a consideration.

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Just saw that Logic 10.5 dropped as was rumored. Still taking it all in, but looks like I massive update, including the release of the successor to ESX-24.


Aw fuck! Huge update. Might be getting Logic after all then :joy:

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I’m watching the expanded video on Mac Pro Video now. So much cool stuff. The step sequencer looks really powerful and the new sampler looks really quick to work with.

Watching just now too. Any idea how to force Logic to update? Im still on the trial but want a play before getting. The update to the Remote app and samplers looks cracking.

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some cool stuff. Can’t believe that they finally get a new sampler.
Step sequencer looks also interesting

so live loops is basically session view from ableton…

guess we can open a dedicated thread.


That auto sampler! Great tip to make multi sample instruments out of hardware synths run through pedals and stuff to archive those sounds for future projects.

Found it. Go to App Store on your Mac. Search for Logic Pro X. Open the description and It will add a button for update. I figured I should update while I sleep. Lol.

I don’t have that as I’m on the trial so I went ahead and redownloaded the trial and I’ve got a further 90 days apparently haha. Suits me. Will give it a run through its paces but this seems mighty close to what I was hoping for in terms of tipping me over the edge (though I’ve said that a few times…!)

Is it out? (Haven’t watched. Will a little later)

Been reading about some of the new stuff. LOGIC :+1:t6:

I’m tempted to go ‘ in the iPad’ but I need to find a good tactile interface.

Got a korg nano control studio coming , hopefully it’ll help mixing / knob twiddling.
Still searching for ideal sequencer too
Cycle (nice for some things but nope )
Atom ( nope , quite basic )
Fugue ( nice for some things but nope)
Will try drambo again.

I wonder if the prospects of prolonged social distancing and more time at home will push more people to consider going ITB.

It’s definitely playing a part in some of my current gear/workspace decisions. Now that I’m working from home and that’s likely to continue for a while, I’m sort of rejigging my workspace and looking at things like a more comfortable chair and perhaps desk as well.

I like working on a big screen, with a powerful computer, and great monitors, so it seems like the money I’ve spent on hardware to date might be better spent on keeping a powerful computer rig for work and music software. It also fits with my more minimalist tendencies (particularly with space constraints).

I’m honestly tempted to sell my small midi controllers and invest in a really nice midi keyboard controller (perhaps even something with weighted keys). Does anyone happen to know what that little box with the knobs and pads is above his keyboard? That looks like it could be a really comfortable solution.

Edit: I found it. The Novation Launch Control.


I tryed to make a beat full ITB, it’s slower than using full Digitakt. I spend so much time to tweak plugins, trying effects, adjust the mix, etc… I think the machine work best for raw music creation, and ITB to polish the mix.