Thoughts of Syntakt future possibilities

I think all in one smart lithium battery powered devices probably use far more rare and dirty resources than wall-powered grooveboxes with like 20 year old, stupidly simple computers in them. Especially considering how many people use those. I imagine grooveboxes are an infinitesimally small slice of every given market category they are a part of, and Elektron would be one of the last companies that need to change to save the planet and stop stealing resources from the third world.

if you want to become absolutly radical yes you are right. But then elektron is obsolete. If you want to keep Elektron and you want to keep it that way think of ways you can safe material and still have a Box extra but not 4.

Yeah, the problem is never oneself it´s always the others. :wink: Of course the footstep might be small but why not at least take it into account. the problem is real.

When major industrial polluters make up such an overwhelming portion of the environmental destruction, i think it is a distraction to tell people the problem is in their consumption habits and smaller companies practices causing the harm. Strong government intervention and regulation is the only solution to saving the planet. Market forces will let it burn. Focusing on individual consumption and small companies will allow the interests of big firms and dirty market forces to continue unimpeded.


To be clear, i agree that Elektron should add sampling to the Syntakt and help us reduce our number of total boxes on the desk and overall consumption. I would prefer that too, but i don’t know if it will save the planet as much as save me desk space. If the only way Elektron adopt it is by hounding them for “creating waste” through capitalism/multiple needed boxes, then more power to you, i hope it suceeds. If the sampling is less deep than the digitakt and has fewer analog filters than the Rytm, then i don’t think it will be directly competing with those deeper/more processing heavy sampler solutions, and it should be possible. But they probably wont.

Nothing electrical. Accoustic instruments only…:pl:

Ah, and if you need a sequencer :

Smaller one :


Do you know for sure if the Syntakt’s processor is really more powerful than these? I’m asking because the same thing could be said about the other Digi-boxes boxes.

The price tag on the Syntakt is definitely higher than the other two boxes and therefore, Elektron might prefer to sell Syntakts over these. But fom an environnemental perspective, I would indeed prefer to pay for extra features rather than buy another box.

agreed fully. But that doesn´t free everyone from looking where one can safe waste. I myself produce waste enough and I hate it especially kinds of waste I feel I don´t have a a real choice. So what I want is a choice.

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