Thoughts of Syntakt future possibilities

Hi everyone, Syntakt is my first elektron device and it’s very very nice. The analogue machine list is already pretty impressive but I find it strange they haven’t made a syncussion machine or even syndrum (no analogue square wave on Syntakt for the latter though) or even Boss PC-2 …

Imagine a machine with one rotary for the A to F modes of Syncussion (Don’t know if the E mode is technically possible, but I think almost all syncussion modes are doable with the Dvco/syntakt engine) and dedicated sweep range and speed ! (that’s just software in the Syntakt after all) The Bend range on most syntakt machines is prestty limiting and you have to use an LFO with single cycle trigger to mimic a decent sweep range/depth and speed often.

Even to make simpler sounds of devices like syndrum or Boss PC-2 on a syntakt machine often needs the LFO as an pitch envelope generator. The noise decay within most snaredrum machine engines is also too short to get some typical syndrum sounds.

Now don’t get me wrong syntakt is a lovely machine. But it sometimes misses the directness of even the simplest classic drumsynths and thats a bit of a shame …

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Remember it just came out less than 2 months ago and it’s just the beginning. Every Elektron box has been updated intensively throughout the life of each box!

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…the whole box is one single syncussiondrumthing, innit !?

since it’s ur first elektron device, u might not know YET, how deep the sweedish rabbit hole actually really is…
keep diggin’ deeper and u’ll see…err…hear… :wink:
i bet, ur not fully aware by now, that this plocking sequencer core alone is already an instrument of it’s own…

and no worries…as @Brockstar says…this is only the beginning…
in one year from now, it can sing, scat and beatbox in most various ways, all at the same time…

u made a good sonic investment here…
and a warm welcome…


Scat like Scatman John?!? :star_struck:

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…ex…act…ly…yyy, man…ex…scatactly…like…that…

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When do we get the Machinedrum and Monomachine Legacy Upgrade Kits for Syntakt? :sunglasses: Sell them at any price…

Just asking :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The thing is. I am willing to pay for all that but I am not willing to habe 4 different boxes for all those functionalities on the table that one box easily could do, thats the point.

I rarely need more than 8 tracks and syntakt has the same interface as digitakt and could possibly run DN stuff and old MNM MD Stuff.

Like I said, I am willing to pay but I am not willing to put my whole desk full of stuff, just because capitalism keeps the companys from integrating more into one machine than they need to for seeling more than one.
By the way, the current economic climate really demands new ways of thinking in this regard too and I challenge everyone to keep that in Mind too…

actually, overlap between different Elektron machines is a good thing.

if in general a machine does everything – it inevitably does certain particular things a bit worse comparing to dedicated machine. i have quite a few grooveboxes, and can’t remember exceptions.

regarding Digitakt – if i had not more than enough sampling machines yet, i would rather order DT to pair with ST than expect adding sampling functions to ST. just because two machines is better than one in a lot of situations.

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Yeah but time of abundance is over

And yet the Soviet Union churned out all manner of different synths, drum machines and other sorts of music gear. The Soviet Union was full of all sorts of useless shit just to keep the factories running. Diversity and fragmentation are a byproduct of the needs of manufacturing, regardless of the presiding economic environment or business ideology.

Just take a look at what Akai are trying to do with the MPC devices. They’re trying to put everything in one box and it’s throwing up all sorts of issues.

But now I’ve mentioned MPCs I guess I’ll get some snooty Ave McCree video telling me I’m the wrongest, so I best make myself scarce before the rest of them come for me.


The one box to rule them all is a fallacy, even the MPCs which do a shit ton, don’t do everything I want, for example CV glides, trig conditions, polymeter, playback direction, realtime sequence manipulation - the list goes on.

And as others have said, even if one box did do everything, you’d probably hate using it, and one persons list of needed features is another persons not needed features.

Better to pick specific gear that have features you need and combine them, if you really must have ‘everything in one box” just tell yourself the room they are set up in is your 1 box :slight_smile:

Edit: Need not be more expensive either, I’m not suggesting buying too much gear, that is not without usability problems either, but rather to be selective and find what you really need.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Politics on ST FR thread

Sorry people, it was going off topic/politics and I messed with my controls…

I understand not putting everything in one box, but Syntakt is a step in that direction for those who want that, combining elements from their previous lineup.

From what I’ve seen, and I could be wrong since I haven’t used it, MD seems to offer a lot. It’s weird that those early era silvers seem so very competent and flexible, at least based on what people are saying here.

I wouldn’t want everything in one box, but there are some things that are weirdly left out in some products, some highly requested features. This might always be the case, that there’s always another feature to want. Idk.

If there was a standalone Elektron sequencer and their gear would be made without it, would people buy it? Or would they just buy the sequencer. Thinking out loud.

Hmm, it lacks trig conditions, tuning sounds is PITA, changing machines is boring…The only thing I’d want from it is its master fx, compressor, eq would suffice, and of course RAM machines for sampling but I doubt it will happen for ST (having an OT, not a problem for me).

I wouldn’t exchange my Syntakt for an MD!


I agree with most of that :point_up_2:

wouldn’t swap my syntakt for one either tbh, tho MD will always have a place in my heart :heart:

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Me too, I still have a black faceplate for it, just in case I find a cheap one to repair, but as prices are increasing…
Isn’t it gorgeous in black ?


And would you swap your avatar to a ST one ? :content:

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never! :rofl:


People always say, that they don´t want their machines to make overwhelmingly much but I think it´s about modularity. Giv us the possibillity to have it that way if we choose so. If I want my Machine full of Machines from MNM and MD Era Plus Sample Machines, why not? If You choose not to have it and instead have 4 different machines on your table…your choice.
But you have to take into account that there is an ecological problem and noone is taking it into account. We just cannot use all of the materials on this planet like we used to. So everyone should take a look where one can safe materials. So having 4 machines where 1 would suffice is just nonsense and if companys like elektreon keep it that way just to make more money they are no companys for the future…simple as that. You can fight this view with all you got, but its not an opinion piece. Earth reached a point where there is a real shortage of materials and I we here should start to take it into account.

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I could use the same argument to say that no electronic instruments are for the future since you can do it all on a laptop you probably already have.