Thread for consoling each other

Drops, spills, bad deals, plugging in the wrong power supply, erasing files accidentally- let’s have a general thread with the sole purpose of consoling each other when things go wrong! I’ve been consoled many a time in this forum, and seen other people helped to feel better about a hobby mishap!

(I’m a therapist at a rehab for my day job and consoling patients is half the battle!)

Let’s start with…me! I bought a Korg Opsix a year ago for 850+ tax. I thought it was pricey but worth it, cause this synth is incredible. Today they’re going for 329 new! Can someone please help me feel better?


Similar experience with KORG minilogue xd. These products don’t seem to hold value.

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Was there a big price drop on the XD?

Not as severe as in your case but people are spending $2-300 less than I got mine for new a few years back.

Where is the Opsix going for $329?

Where can you buy the Opsix for £329? The cheapest I can find is £449

Yeah, that doesn’t seem right

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Oh to live in America. I mean I never would because reasons. But there are some insane deals over there.


Hey, it’s not all bad here. There are some parts of this country that are truly awful. :upside_down_face:


Anyway, no consolation from me about prices. We have to deal with Brexit. And other countries (such as Australia, for example) always pay well over the odds. You don’t know you’re born, etc etc


Anyone interested, looks like Patchwerks in Seattle, WA, has some in stock for $329


they’re also available direct from Korg’s Reverb store:

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Thanks for this thread, got to share that one : still got that Jomox T Resonator that i bought for like 200€. Lend it once as I wasnt home for the receipt, get powered badly… Stand as an expensive clipboard nowaday. Still making me sad by looking at it collecting dust instead of ravaging beats.

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People who bought an OP1 back in the day are living this story in reverse.


Open it up, there is a fuse you may just be able to replace for a buck/euro/pound:


(that’s my old T-Res. If you look carefully, you can see the power switch was sheared off. Desoldering that centipede of a power switch was … not fun)


Great consoling post, thank you! (Tone sincere.)

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Thanks for the view !

And for the advice. You’re talking about the little tube near the power supply ? Doesnt seems to need specific tools to be changed, isnt it ?

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Nope, just pluck it out with your fingers. Before you pull it, take a close look. There should be a fine wire, if the wire is broken / missing, then the fuse blew and replacing it should do the job. After pulling it out, look at the metal ends - the fuse value may be stamped on it, or on the PCB. Or you may need to do some digging to find the proper value. Try to use the EXACT same fuse if at all possible. A smaller one MIGHT be ok, but will burn out more easily. A bigger fuse is VERY DANGEROUS because it may not blow if it gets mispowered again, doing real damage that time!


Glad to hear that’s not hopeless, thank you very much :+1:

But now I gotta start diggin for a new clipboard …