Tim Hecker @ Fabric tonight

Does anyone have any info on Tim Hecker tonight at Fabric? Ticket simply states Doors at 7:30PM but there is no other info I can find about what time he is starting. They don’t even specify if he is doing a ‘show’ (of his music), or simply doing a DJ set. Knowing Fabric, nothing much happens before 1AM.

I don’t mind if he starts very late, but I don’t want to rock up there at 9PM and then have to wait until 3AM or something for him. Likewise I don’t want to get there at 1 and then he already finished an hour before.

Anybody else going?


Interestingly, in that snippet that is showing in my previous comment it says 7:30-11:00PM, but that info is not shown anywhere on the page itself (mobile)…

So maybe it is just a normal show, at ‘normal’ hours. He has a new album out, so that would make sense.

wish i was going, enjoy!

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I’m pretty sure it’s a live show at normal live show time. Fabric do this from time to time and I don’t think usually open late on week nights? Could be wrong. Looking forward!


Enjoy the gig! I wish he would play near me.

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Tempting. Hasn’t sold out. Fabric sound +++
Fabric ticket and drink prices ———

Really do want to hear his frequencies through that system….



I have an extra ticket if anyone wants to make an offer. Face value: £25

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If anyone wants a free ticket I still have one


Damn, I love the Heckman.
I wish he played a show near me. I hope this isn’t the only tour he’s doing for this album.

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I saw him play at Pitchfork festival in Chicago at the peak of Ravedeath fame. Can’t say he was amazing live, tbh.

This venue suited his music perfectly I think. Smallish, with great sound system.

Was insane to feel your whole body vibrate at times from the sub while the higher frequencies swirl around your head.


Oh man. I would have loved to have snapped this up but saw it too late. Hope the show was great.
New record is ace.


Do they still have the vibrating floor in the main room there?

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Shit I didn’t know they have/had a vibrating floor. That could explain why I felt vibrations in my legs at times… (although it didn’t feel like it was coming through my feet, more just my trousers around my legs vibrating)

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He did a number of tracks from new album. Sounded incredible.

Show was a bit short though, about an hour.

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I listened to it again this morning. But now I want a better sound system at home, with decent subs. :joy:

Or a Subpac…