Took three months off work and made this album

So grateful to everyone who listened to the album and/or posted words of encouragement!

We still wear masks at work / in public here in Finland but I’m 100% positive my co-workers could see I was just beaming the whole day (I’d been looking at some of your comments during breaks). Really made my day - plus it feels like it’s coming from friends, which makes it even more special! Huge thanks!


Wow. I almost didn’t open this thread, and if not for Ryan’s first reply I might not have pushed play, but just wow. Beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear. Instantly captivating. I just about listened to the whole thing through on phone speakers which is so wrong, but good grief it felt so right. Congrats.


God damn man, This is great!

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Really great! I had no idea you did vocals also. Lovely stuff! :clap::clap::clap:


I had the chance to listen to it before this pre-release and the quality baffled me. Amazing work! 3 months more than very well spent!

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Pre-pre-release FTW! :sweat_smile: Thanks a lot for your kind words, really means a lot!


Excellent, listening to" Procession" and I sensed the presence of Mark Hollis and Spirit of Eden, lovely trumpet sound , brilliant production quality, well done.


Thank you! I absolutely adore Talk Talk, especially Spirit of Eden. And while Mark Hollis isn’t on it, one of my all-time fave albums is Out of Season by Rustin Man aka Paul Webb. Beth Gibbons does have something to do with it as well though… :slight_smile:


I love that album too, I haven’t heard it for ages, might have to dig it out!


Yet another thanks to everyone who listened and even bought the album! Like I said, the money will go straight to the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation.

Will also start approaching some potential labels in the next couple of weeks.

If anyone can think of a label that might be stylistically suitable for my music, I’d be really happy to know! Especially European / Scandinavian labels.


This is an awesome album! Thank you! It is also a great reflection of why the industry is fucked as a whole… too many people making really great music! The old school gatekeepers are redundant. All that is left for the mainstream is cheap tacky uber-sexualised throw away pop.


Absolutely beautiful song. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s immediately going on my “cold dope shit” playlist of favorite songs.

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Just bought this for Bandcamp Friday :grinning: Good luck on finding a good label for it!


Thanks a lot! Really appreciate your support!

I’ve pretty much come up with a list of labels I’m gonna send this to. (Alas, Erased Tapes doesn’t accept unsolicited demos…) Really hard to say if I’ll be able to find a label or not. I mean, I just don’t have my finger on the labels’ pulse.

But we’ll see how it goes!


Apologies for not commenting further - been a bit busy !

Finally had chance to listen to it properly - listened to it a few times now - it’s really really great ! Amazing job !


Many thanks for listening and commenting! Really glad you’re enjoying the album!


I listened yesterday. I’m a little depressed at the moment following two family bereavements. That will pass of course. I wasn’t prepared for the overwhelming feelings that your music brought about. I moved from sadness to a perspective that felt like the arm of a good friend reaching across my shoulder in an embrace. There’s not a lot of music can do that :-). I guess I was ready to hear.
It has also inspired me to try a more honest personal and raw approach with my own music. Congratulations on creating some beautiful art here. I’ll be buying it on Bandcamp.


That’s one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever said about my music. Thank you so much for listening and commenting!



Thought I’d stop by to say I’ve still got this on pretty high rotation, it gets a play at least every 2-3 days.

How’s the label search going? And if you don’t mind sharing, what are you using for percussion where it kicks in around 1m30s into Between Breaths? Just curious because I found it pretty jarring on first listen but now it’s one of my favourite parts.

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Thank you, I’m really glad you’ve been enjoying the album!

The perc in Between Breaths is the Machinedrum played through the Octatrack (crossfader action for some delay fx settings).

As for the label search, I’m still drawing up a list of labels and thinking which one(s) to contact first. Of course the ultimate goal is to get this officially released but certainly there are labels I’d like working with more than some others. Moving real slowly, I know, but I’m not in a hurry here.

Yet another thing is that I should probably get something going on some socials, just to kinda show the labels this band exists beyond a release on Bandcamp. Not my favourite part, the socials, as you can probably imagine. :slightly_smiling_face: