Took three months off work and made this album

I finally spent the time to listen. I took forever to get around to it, cos I wanted to wait until I had time to listen in one block (cos I believe an album is often more than a collection of songs).

It’s beautiful. Moving. Very musical. Really like it. Love the solo piano title track. Opening track is real sleeper ear worm that I find myself singing quietly to myself now and again. I’m looking forward to listening to it again. Glad to have been able to buy it, hopefully a label picks it up.

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This is a pretty good album!

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I’m frigging slow but it’s finally on - contacted the first three labels today. Wish me luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

Whatever happens, I’m immensely grateful for all the heart-warming comments you’ve posted here (and elsewhere) on my music! Really means a lot!

In the meantime

Feel free to download the album for free / PWYW, all proceeds still going to charity.


Things might be moving forward with one label, so if you still want to download the album for free (or just listen to it), then go to it. May have to pull down the album soon if we reach an agreement on the official release.

Edit: The album is now set to private on Bandcamp. Hope to have good news on the official release soon!

Yet another thank you to everyone who listened to and said nice things about the album! Really gave me the extra boost of confidence to start shopping for a label for this release.


This album is my soundtrack to this view from the hammock while a leg of lamb is roasting on the bbq, catching last of the arvo sun. Any news on a release?

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That’s a lovely view! Really glad you’re still enjoying the album!

As for the official release, it seems I got proper ghosted by a label. VERY excited initial communications but now complete silence for two months (the label’s def still running cos I’m getting promo emails for their other bands, ha!). So it’s probably back to hunting another label.

Was actually thinking for a couple of weeks I’d just put the album back online (public) on Bandcamp and now that you ”reminded” me, it’s available for everyone to listen to again.

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