Toraiz as-1

I agree with all of this. Many raw analogue synths are meant to be the star anyway, so it all makes sense. On the flipside, you don’t need all that much more once you find the sound you like. But I’m much into layering now, warping shit through my Blooper and Tonal Recall, and for that, the AS-1 didn’t add anything I didn’t already have, that worked better.

It’s a cracking mono synth. But a cracking mono synth isn’t for me right now :slight_smile:


I hear you guys, though I haven’t had trouble fitting the AS-1 into the mix at all, even just jamming out. Here’s an example from last week, first jam I did with the AS-1 (it’s all over the jam).

This is a straight recording from the mixer to a Zoom H5.

The pad-like sound is the AS-1 as are the noise sweeps. I feel it merges with the A4 (which is playing the chord progression + the radio-frequency like filter sound/noise with high resonance).

@nIdaL not exactly the promised demo yet, but you’ll notice that, while present, the AS-1 is not at all front and centre here.


Playing the Prophet~6 and OB-6 together as my main jam I’ve become conditioned to dial in some HPF on the P6 when I’m mostly playing the OB-6 with my left hand, so it lets the lower tone of the OB-6 sound through without having to increase its volume, which would normally get muddled against the P6 without some HPF.
In a nutshell, if the AS-1 is overpowering everything, try its HPF before tweaking the post EQ and level. On its own it makes it sound weaker, but not in the mix.


Yep, I did that, but that oomph which I like about the Prophet and the OB as well, it’s actually what I want from it. If I can’t use it, I just won’t go there at all.

But really, I keep returning to the fact that I just really like my Prophet 12. I’m just exploring other stuff for the fun of it, there’s not much it can’t do that I’m after right now.

It’s too bad the Prophet 12 keybed sucketh, or I’d go for the keyboard version instead. But the bed on that one is way worse than the later Sequential ones. And I’m a keys man myself. So that’s not happening.

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wow, great track !

if anything, I cant wait for your demo :slight_smile:

btw, the inhalt demo was one of the ones I was referring to.

I just dont understand when people demo something using only the arpeggiator, arpeggiating up and down octaves like a maniac, arpeggiating everything that moves for half an hour…

I expect someone that actually publishes a video about a product, to be at least a little playful with keys, I dont know man, play a chord or two, a pad, whatever, knock yourself out.


Ah, this thing is really doing it for me, bassline-wise. It’s got snap, girth, mojo and class. Sits well with the sound of the DT and DN. It’s true that most of the demos and presets on this thing doesn’t do it justice. I find it does subtle, minimal sounds nicely too.


Thank you my man, now I will DEF make a demo for you lol :slight_smile:

Agreed re demos/reviews, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t conclude anything on the basis of YouTube demos and reviews, just have to try it for myself OR hear the instrument PLAYED by somebody, not “reviewed.”

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The “Nick Batt Girth”…

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First track with AS-1 on bassline duty, using the BA Pro One preset.


Just checked AS-1 draws about 1.2A, so make sure your powerbank is big enough :+1:t3:


Thanks! I got a nice compact one that Velcro’s perfectly to the side and have been enjoying jamming in the garden!

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the exact same issues.

[EDIT] … never-mind … I see now you already returned it!

No, I sent the EC4 back… it was useless for me.

Finally figured out EC-4 nrpn operation with the AS-1. With Disp set to 1000, Lower and Upper need to be set to 0 and 1 respectively. Works great but will take some time to set up all the groups.


Stumbled across something nice to know while noodling. If this is common knowledge that’s great :grinning:.

When switching between patterns as we know the AS1 won’t keep in beat but if you lock the sequence then skip between patterns it all stays in time. As I say it’s prob in the manual somewhere but just thought I’d share as I’ve seen a few folks citing this issue as line in the sand. Of course it’s far from ideal but it works for recorded sequences too so in theory with a bit of pattern housework real time pattern skipping in sync is totally doable.


Marvelous track.
Obvious influence :wink:
Nevertheless, this track of yours is a beauty.

Already own an OB-6, but you really sold me this mono :slight_smile:

Edit: @pulsn a friend of mine is selling me his AS-1 for 350€. This totally happens because of this pusher track of yours!

Edit2: no deal, I need controls for envelopes in my life. It’s missing at least 10 controls !!
Plus the power input is pretty light, the synth would power off erratically, it’s still in my friends hands.
The sound was incredible, though! What a punch!!!


I didnt try it, but it says that you can Control the AS1 with the OB-6…
I have a LaunchControl XL that i Plan to use with the AS1.

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Yeah, the AS-1 and the Prophet 6 have almost the exact the same midi implementation, that doesn’t surprise me with the OB6.

AS-1 is a fantastic mono synth


I‘m still in love with the sound, but not so much with the menus. Might get a sh01a again instead.
But then. It sounds really great

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I have both, and i think both add to each other. And payed only 250€ for mine…

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