Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Fair question but I think it can be less binary an idea than it driving absolutely everything in a piece of music. I can see me ‘directing’ a small group of ‘players’ with it, or thinking of it as a collaborator, while still getting very hands-on and directly inputting/performing things I have to have…if that makes any sense :slight_smile:


im thinking in about 20 or 30 years, there will be some kind of device like this that is commonly used in electronic music, in the same way a guitar is commonly used in rock music today

or it may be a kind of protocol rather than a full device… some kind of methodology than can be applied in a number of ways

but the core concept is some kind of instrumentality like that of piano or violin, from the standpoint of algorithmic devices

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How are you finding the project management? it’s a great piece of gear but feels unfinished to me in it’s current state.

I know they are working on updates.

The melody-based algorithms seem quite rudimentary, and I don’t see a lot of abvious capability for further expansion. The training resources (manual and documentation) do not explain useful workflows well, although a persistent user can work them out if they have time for a lot of trial and error.

I agree, the manual and videos leave a bit to be desired. I think they are are addressing some of the issues in the next update.

It’s really suffering from a lack of organising and arranging projects. I think this is where the lack of a screen is a real drawback.

I think you can go pretty crazy melody wise but they need to do some new videos to explain a bit better.

Maybe show how you can build a whole finished track/song as it’s a little bewildering at the moment.

It has a lot of potential though if they get it right.

Yes, there are times when a screen is best way to orient and inform a user. I hear a lot of complaints about menu-diving from Eurorack folk, but the t-1 is an example of the opposite problem – trying to avoid menus by designing with multifunction knobs.

Received it today… that thing is insane :heart_eyes:
(yes, I know, honey moon phase and all that, but still…)

The cycles functionality is massive.


Honestly, I’m kind of hoping they just leverage the updater app for project management. There may be a few tweaks from where they are now on the hardware for projects, but there’s not much scope to go deeper. In the app they can trivially build something solid and flexible. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

I originally got mine thinking it would be a rhythm companion for my NDLR. I like it a lot more than I do the NDLR, but I think it may still need a companion. Possible that will be the Oxi harmonizer mode.

Yep, exactly the app needs to be a project management tool. I think they are working on that so I’d imagine it’s not far away. Hopefully,

The team has been really on the ball when I’ve talked to them, so I’m guessing they will be, yeah. I’m curious if they’ll end up adding user scale or accent pattern loading there too.

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They are on the ball and very responsive. In the next update they are adding some scale functions so you can copy using scales/parameters to each track.

That should improve workflow quite a bit.

It’s a pretty new product, so I’m confident things will shape up a bit. Honestly for me, it’s does exactly what I expected, fast melodies and happy accidents. Still learning to manoeuvre between al it’s subtleties and feel it’s a sequencer for small tweaks over time.

Also I know you should buy a product for what it does not for what it will be, but as it’s a Kickstarter, a small team, their first product, I believe some quality of like updates are yet to come as the feedback drops in these first few months.

In this state, I’d still recommend it’s and buy it again if needed


Yes, I’m sure in time it will be a different beast for sure. I’m happy with it but saving and organising projects needs addressing imo.

They are very responsive to feedback so I’m sure it will happen.

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“Using Soma Ornament8 to control the Crave. T-1 sequencing Digitone and Pulsar23.”


Quick question. The Random modulation options are present in the current firmware correct? I received my t-1 on Friday and pressing that enconder/button does nothing on my unit (no visual feedback, etc). My unit does not respond at all like shown in the demo videos on their youtube page. I updated the firmware to the latest and also tried a manual upgrade but pressing it does nothing. I’ve got an email out to Torso but they’ve been on vacation the last few weeks and I imagine I’ll be pretty far down the list in their queue. I’ll be bummed if I have to return it to Perfect Circuit as I don’t think they have any stock and who knows when more will be available. Figured I’d check if any of the few owners here had any issues with that functionality or had dealt with Torso for returns yet.

Any release notes to check. It may have on an old one ‘randomisation added’ … in which case it should be there as a feature.

I doubt it’s a broken encoder.

Press and hold while rotating, not just pressing once. I ran into this same issue too until I realized what I was doing wrong (they responded to my email about this some weeks ago). Not a broken encoder.

The build quality of the T1s are so strong and well-done I’d be surprised if there were many, if any, with manufacturing defects.


I have had an encoder stop working briefly, but re-seating the knob and rebooting fixed it. When I talked to the team about it, they said they have had a few tolerance issues. If it’s really not working, they’ll swap the hardware.

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You have tried this, right?:

Press and hold the (RANDOM) knob and then turn another knob you want to add random variations to. Press ( RANDOM ) + turn ( KNOB )

I guess you should still have visuals feedback even before assigning modulation.