Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

As for the T1 (I did not check this with my OT), you can configure each midi channel on the T1 to have the same, or a different midi channel and you can also randomize them… which is fun, but I think you mostly refer your question to the midi settings on Elektron boxes, maybe I could help a bit anyway :laughing:

Im having a blast using the T1 with Machinedrum . Can’t control pitch (but they are probably adding cc modulation soon) but for rhythms is amazing.
I am working on a demo of it for early January.


Thank you for that.
I hope I’m in the batch of preorders being referred to here! I can’t keep track - I might have already been placed in the next batch.

Did you hear/read that somewhere? That they re adding cc’s?
Would be logical yes.
And awesome!

I set it up with a model cycles. Tracks 1-6 on t1 sending midi on channels 1-6 with each t1 track controlling a model cycles track. Took about a minute to set up

They were dead set against it when I asked about it pre-release, so it would be a bit surprising. Lovely, though, if they do!

I’ve been using mine with both digitone and analog rytm by simply matching the midi tracks up, which is super easy to do on the T1.

I would love to see some CC implementation but I can’t see how it would happen given the way the unit works.

I’d guess future updates might focus on small improvements to existing workflow - perhaps more chord options for harmony section, or different modes in tonal section (voicing styles and phrases).

Even without further changes, it is still a brilliant bit of kit, and definitely brings an extra random inspiration sometimes needed with the linear Elektron sequencing.


Why wouldnt it be possible with this architecture to make the seperate notes into a continuous datastream?

Heres a
T1 with MD


Anyone received an update regarding delivery?

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Yep. Got an update 2 days ago after asking them about it. (They always respond within 5 minutes haha.)
And today i got the unit delivered!

Good to hear. Who did you order from?


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New 42 minute video! From Ooramusic.


pretty hefty price …but so worth it as it seems! I’ll sell my NDLR and some other stuff for this one I guess…!


Elektron should just eat / buy that company and make a Digi-sized box out of this or …and or implement (some of) those functions for their current lineup. Anyways … it really seems to be the perfect companion for all Elektrons.

It didn’t replace my ndlr. I’d make that decision to sell your ndlr after you get a torso. I kept both. Mostly cause of the ndlr mod matrix/midi lfos


I dislike the cheap buttons, case and screen … it’s not a matter of functions but usability, optics and haptics in that case. Might work for others but I need all of that to be at a certain level to make me wanna use that.

The T1 on the other hand looks like it can deliver all of that (besides those mod functions which I don’t think I ever used because the UI and buttons is so unintuitive) … and it doesn’t even need a screen. Perfect!

yeah, the buttons kinda suck and could have been improved, but they’re dealable.
i get enough functionality out of the device to over look them.

no midi lfos on the torso. they said possibly in a future update, but i dont see it happening being that its already a function-per-knob device.

i dunno if i’ll hold on to my torso as eucledians are basically everywhere now…eyeing up a pyramid…

What date had you placed your order? I ordered mid December and I’m guessing i’m far back at the end of the line.

Nov 21st.
But just ask them, they’re very helpfull.