Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Mine arrived yesterday.
Pre-Xmas order :gift:

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Currently their webpage says 1-2 weeks delivery … I wonder if that is going to happen … I was about to order but the delivery costs with DHL express turned me off. Thinking about ordering at Schneidersladen now.

I ordered mid December and mine just shipped. Back when I first saw this I immediately jumped on it. I have the NDLR and pretty much every generative iPad app. Some of them are quite good but the iPad as an interface leaves a lot to be desired.

The Benn Jordan video above is very good and really seems to show off all the features of this piece of gear. Having a generative sequencer in a hardware form is really quite spectacular. I also really liked when he paired it with the iPad, it seemed like he got the best results. The small form factor along with an iPad seems like a huge amount of potential in a very small amount of space.

Looking forward to learning this!


Yeah, it seems like this is the perfect controller for everything … 100% muscle memory and it seems to help exactly with what I am always struggling with!


Midi sequencer primarily but that’s probably what you mean. No LFOs or CC modulation.
It is great at what it does.

Perfect controller to get something going in 5 minutes I wanted to say. I don’t need no CC … LFOs - the gear I am using has lots of them. I hope it’s just the rytmic firestarter to start a vibe …then I press record and work from there.

CC could be cool though … but a pain to add without a screen? Only with the software then I guess?

Probably hard without the screen yes. I don’t know if it can be done or if Torso has any plans for that.

I dont need cc either. Its a complex and playfully simple enough device like this. Really enjoying it.

And btw, notes can modulate anything. Especially in Bitwig.


Loving my first 3 nights of conversations with this little beastie!

It seems to be revealing a new layer each time. The videos helped but it’s pretty intuitive.

Last night I started playing with the randomise knob and my melodies went into all kinds of heavenly abodes.

And this is just with the Model:Cycles playing the beepy pulse wave!

Next up, Digitone and then Pulsar!


I have a blokus midihub I plan to use with mine with has midi cc lfos if I understand correctly

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I just ordered one of these. Haven’t been this excited in awhile. Have so many synths and drum machines to go nuts with this.

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ordered as well… so excited! Not so much for my balance though… :grinning: but whatever! Gotta have this one!


Mine came yesterday, so I haven’t had long with it. However, it did throw up a really interesting musical sequence, which got me excited. I could easily imagine turning that sequence into a track. I guess that’s why I bought it.

I’m looking forward to making music with it.


This is the thing that I am GASing for the worst, and will probably be the thing that causes me to break my new year’s resolution. If my A4 sells, I don’t know how to stop myself buying one of these. So small, so focussed in purpose, so well reviewed.


Perfect Circuit in US has the T-1 in stock now. Wish I had waited a few days before ordering direct, but I will be patient and wait.

I’m really excited to try it out with multi-timbral synths like GR-1 and Waldorf M

awww man now I can’t wait till it be delivered. Just hearing you guys and watching the few video available I am going crazy :rofl:

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The T1 is great, for all you who have just ordered you are in for a treat. It took me a few weeks to get to grips with it (I’m a bit thick) but when it clicked I found it really quick to work with, and it’s capable of producing some amazing and surprisingly beautiful results.

My top tip, however, is to use it with another good midi sequencer. I use mine with either the digitone’s midi tracks or Toriaz squid, as this allows me to capture the incoming notes and make small tweaks which aren’t possible with the T1. The most obvious example I can think of is introducing blue notes to set scales, but there are loads of other benefits in having both sequencers playing together.

Benn Jordan’s video is actually a really good example of how useful and creative the random function is - thanks for posting it @PekeDorty


I posted this on the Jamuary group (apologies for duplication) but I didn’t mention there that all melodic, bass and chord parts were fully sequenced / generated using the T1 controlling my rev2. Different parts were recorded into my analog rytm, some chopped up on that a bit. The hardest thing to sequence in a way were chords, as programming these into the cycles function can be a little tiresome compared to playing them (again, Benn Jordan’s video has given me some interesting ideas for making this more enjoyable). Drums were xoxo programmed on the rytm - using the T1 for this is something I haven’t explored in any great detail yet.

It’s a very complete machine for its age - the only thing id like is for torso to add a couple more algorithms for varying the melodic and chord generation .


Great track :+1:

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Rytm is be the first thing I wanted to try. I’m not a good finger drummer … so that device should help a lot to squeeze some nice rhythms out of it!