Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Does anyone happen to know what type of TRS MIDI cables the T-1 uses?

I have a spare TRS MIDI cable and it doesn’t work with the T-1… and of course, the one that came with it does.

I’m unsure about the T-1’s polarity, and I’m wondering if the Elektron TRS cables would work.

Their web page says Type A.


I have used my own type A cables with the Torso so I can confirm.


It’s not working!
From manual
T-1 can add randomness to all of the primary parameters (white label on frontpanel) i.e. everything from steps, pulses, and division to MIDI channel and length.

Umph, im sorry, it doesnt indeed. Shame on me.

I confused it with the cycles or temp mode. All these 3/4 finger actions! :ramen:

It gets really funny btw when you want to do a temporary absolute valuechange on the entire pattern on a secondary function. Press Temp+Patt+Ctrl+Knob+Value

Of course it would be nice to be able to randomize the second functions.

You can backup your T1 with the app :floppy_disk:

edit: it was user error…

You may have to configure the Thru port to function as an actual Thru port using the T-1 Config app; otherwise, the T-1 may be sending two copies of the regular MIDI Out, or it may be set to Off.

I tried this, it worked perfect for me. Did you use ableton link or usb midi clock?You should sync the clock via ableton link. It is more stable than usb midi clock!

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Thx, torso advised the same thing.

“We are aware of some issues with syncing T-1 to external gear, and will provide an improvement in a future update. As of now, the best way to sync is with T-1 as primary (formerly “master”, but trying to avoid that term), or with LINK. As of the constant latency you are describing, this can be compensated for with MIDI clock delay in most DAW’s. “


For me USB midi clock never really worked.
Good to hear that they will work on the device some more.

I’m having issues syncing the T-1 to Analog Rytm MKII using TRS MIDI (Type A).

It simply won’t accept Start/Stop and seemingly doesn’t accept clock. The documentation says that if the T-1 is receiving MIDI clock then the tempo knob is disabled — but it still changes tempo.

Anyone else having this problem — @Xopek quessing this is likely the same reply from Torso…

Did you try other gear? And did you set the midi sync settings in the editor? I think it was turned of by default on mine.

Hello — haven’t tried to slave the T-1 to other gear yet. Did enable all the MIDI i/o via the T-1 config app. Also (I think) have the correct MIDI settings on the Rytm. Also also not running a DAW, etc…

Hi mate. Any chance you could explain your setup a little bit more please? For instance, what’s the T1 sequencing?

I’ve never had any issue with clock or transport from the analog rytm - just gotta make sure these boxes are checked in the AR’s midi settings.

With MNM like master and T-1 like slave - sync is ok.
Check out you settings on AR and T1.

@sid6581 @Xopek Sure*:

*(cleaned this post up so it’s less burly — also reached out to Torso with this description and will share what they come back with. I did check the connections and swap the cables, they seem to be fine in terms of the T-1 successfully driving the Hydra. I might just have a bad unit…)

cannot get it to recognize clock from an Analog Rytm MK II and sync externally (it will not recognize start/stop from the AR, keep time, or disable the tempo knob). I am using Type A TRS MIDI adapters.

The use case I am looking for is for the AR to be the master clock and to MIDI sync the T-1 which will send it’s own MIDI sequences to a Hyrdasynth.

Here are the settings:

T-1 Config
software v1.1.3
firmware v1.1.5


Link Sync (on — but not synced or running Ableton/DAW)
Start Stop Sync (on — but not synced or running Ableton/DAW)
Link offset - 0ms

all settings off

MIDI TRS (yes the adapter is Type A)
Notes in - n/a
Notes out - on
Clock in - on
Clock out - on
Start/Stop in - on
Start/Stop out - on
Prg. Change in - on
Prg. Change out - off
Thru port - Thru

(not running any CV stuff)


Analog Rytm
MIDI Config

Clock receive - on
Clock send - on
Transport receive - on
Transport send - on
Program change receive - on
Program change send - on

Port Config:
Turbo Speed - off
Out Port Func - MIDI
Thru Port Func - MIDI
Input from - MIDI+USB
Output to - MIDI+USB
Output channel - Auto Channel
Parameter output - CC
Encoder destination - Internal
Pad destination - Int+Ext
Pressure Destination - Int+Ext
Mute destination - Int+Ext
Receive notes - on
Receive cc/nrpn - on

Track 1 chan - 1
Track 2 chan - 2
Track 12 chan - 12
Track FX chan - 13
Perf channel - 15
Auto channel - 14
Program Ch In Ch - Auto
Program Ch Out Ch - Auto

Looks good. Check if ableton link is disabled and strength of midi connections TRS input and output (In my case, sometimes the cable came off )

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I’ve had issues with midi breakout cables before - have you swapped them around to see if there’s a difference between the functionality?

I would also turn off the T1’s transport out unless you need it for starting another sequencer.

I’m not sure what else I can suggest as all settings look sound

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