Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Cause it’s sold out in most places and maybe someone needs one desperately:

midiamsterdam still has some T-1s in stock :slight_smile:
Thought I share this info after looking for days online to find one.

Damn you Pazpat!
Just put an order down at MidiAmsterdam…

You have unchecked clock and transport receive on your Rytm, that’s why it’s not working

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Since I can’t afford one right now, I have set out to clone the functionality of the T1 in max/msp. Most of the rhythmic section is done (minus pace), but the melodic section might be a little trickier, not to mention cycles, random, etc. It’s currently set up to be controlled by a launch control XL but I can add some dials to make it standalone. Let me know if you’d like the files or want to help out with patching!


About of random function:
I have received some comments from the developer, which may help you as well.
But what is the parameter RATE RANDOM used for if cycle length 4 bar, 8 bar & etc.?
Sorry for not being a 100% clear about this, I also think it could be clearer in the manual. We chose to let some parameters on T-1 be affected by randomisation on a per-cycle basis, motivated by the idea that every modulation should be “musical” at first glimpse.
These parameters are:

These parameters are NOT affected by the RANDOM RATE.

Maybe in a future update, RANDOM RATE will affect these parameters in some way, but still unsure how.

I think that RANDOM ACCENT depends on ACCENT or maybe VELOCITY value, but apparently this is not the case…
Is it possible to adjust the maximum and minimum value of the Random function?

You are right in your assumption, RANDOM ACCENT, ACCENT, VELOCITY and RANDOM VELOCITY all affect the note velocity.

They are additively combined as such:


You can adjust the amount/range of randomisation (min and max simultaneously) by pressing the RANDOM knob while turning the knob you want to adjust randomisation for.


Thank you! Any sort of ‘under the hood’ info like this is really useful, there’s only so much you can figure out from youtube videos. Still trying to get my head around how the randomness gets ‘locked in’. Will probably leave the random functions alone until I have all the other parameters implemented.

I had the same idea to build a max patch with torso functions. congrats. Can you share the patch?

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Never really used github but it seems to be the way for this kind of thing. Have uploaded the max patch so far along with a few relevant files. Added a quick n dirty presentation view with knobs for those who don’t have a launch control xl. Please excuse the messy patching, this is still very much in its infancy!


@Anfim you made my day… this is beyond awesome :raised_hands:

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Love the name!

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Hello — actually, I’m trying to drive the T-1 with the AR clock, not the other way around.

Thanks — I did check the cables. Going to reach out to Torso and see what they say. Appreciate it.

Aah ok… well then something seems off

Update on my usage for melodic music and solo piano: since that style of music often contains more than one style/phrasing/voicing per 16-step bar, I’ve started really exploiting the cycles function to achieve a more flexible “P lock” style functionality. For example creating a pattern which is made of:
a 14-step cycle of ascending monophonic notes
An 8 step cycle of chords
4 step cycle of eighth notes across octaves
13 step cycle of randomized everything
1 step cycle of loud chord
…etc adding up to 64 steps (you get the picture). So what you hear is a pretty rhythmically orthodox pattern but it’s made up of this modular heap of very heterogeneous cycles that can then be shifted around and patterned in various ways easily as the song progresses.


Has anybody been in touch with Torso recently about when the T1 will be in stock again?

Whereabout in the world are you?

If you’re in the UK, I think Elevator Sound have some stock.

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Thanks, I’m in Berlin – and after going some custom nightmares with orders from the UK I’d prefer to order from somewhere in the EU. :slight_smile:


They have an EU site now.

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As an owner of a Launch Control XL I am looking forward to trying this out. ;D Thanks so much for sharing.

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Thanks so much! It’s not quite clear what this “EU site” means in practice (I assume still shipping from the UK), but I’ll send them an email.